Categoría: Business

Are we ready for the Industrial Revolution 4.0?

In a recently released report from IBM, we are facing a transitional period for development that relies less on brick and mortar and labor and more on interconnectivity, agility and development of different skills. Spawned by businesses, politicians and academics, the new industrial revolution will

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Let me introduce…Greater Mankato! You’ve never been!?

Yesterday I had the pleasure of introducing a national site selector around the Greater Mankato community. The day was part of the Minnesota Marketing Partnership’s Fam Tour event. Ten site selectors from across the country came to Minnesota to learn more about our development opportunities

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Cities Asking for Citizen Feedback

We’re fortunate to live in a vibrant and attractive region; but our success didn’t happen by accident. What we have today was built by engaged and passionate citizens who set a vision for what the Greater Mankato region could be and purposefully set about making

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Growth in YP membership is more than just a number

This past week we celebrated our 200th Greater Mankato Young Professionals (YPs) member.  In fact, today we reached our 204th YP member and the numbers just keep climbing.  Why is this important to members of Greater Mankato Growth and to our community as a whole?  It’s important because

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High-Tech Cows

Yesterday, the Project ABE Steering Committee headed to rural Nicollet County for it’s quarterly meeting.  Mitch Davis of Davis Family Dairies hosted the group at their flagship location:  New Sweden Dairy.  New Sweden isn’t just a flagship facility for the Davis Family, but for the entire

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Labor Force Projections

GMG has put together labor force projections out to 2045! Its based upon a 45 minute drive time from the urban center of Greater Mankato.  Click on the graph to see how we’re going to grow by nearly 25,000 people in the next 30 years.

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Women in Ag

Hey we found this great article about agribusiness and the key roles women play in it today. Check out the article from MN Dept. of Economic Development below:

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