09 Mar 2018 Economic Forecast Luncheon Featuring Hans Olsen of Stifel

The November 6 general election is still eight months away, but candidates have already been on the trail for months: meeting activists, scoring endorsements and raising money.
They’re preparing for a pivotal 2018 cycle in Minnesota, an election that will include both U.S. Senate seats, an open governor’s race, three other constitutional offices, eight congressional seats, and the entire 134-seat Minnesota House of Representatives. With so much at stake, it will be a hard-fought, high-dollar election, and the first major step is just around the corner: Precinct caucuses on February 6.
The precinct caucuses on February 6 are your chance to have a say in setting your party’s platform, select delegates who may eventually go on to the party’s endorsing conventions, and cast your preferential ballot for which candidate for governor you feel your party should support.Read on for a Q&A about how the precinct caucuses work and how you can participate.