Qaybta: Business

Legislative Update – March 2022

The legislature is off and running full steam ahead! This the second year of the 2-year (biennial) legislative session. There are several themes that have been consuming the discussion early on: budget surplus, bonding, unemployment insurance trust fund, redistricting, and COVID closures. Here is a

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Feeling Anxious?

If you answered “Yes!” to that question, you are not alone. In fact, you are part of the majority. Rates of anxiety and depression among U.S. adults were about 4 times higher between April 2020 and August 2021 than they were in 2019. Some of the

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2022 Policy Priorities

The Greater Mankato Growth board of directors recently adopted the 2022 Policy Priorities. A key area of focus at Greater Mankato Growths is “Advocacy of the Marketplace”. As such, GMG adopts a set of policy priorities annually. These priorities represent important issues that we focus

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Growing Area Talent Through High School Youth

Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) is increasing career pathway exploration by encouraging students to participate in Work-Based Learning opportunities. All high school youth are eligible to participate in activities to explore and refine skills through this unique form of learning outside the classroom. We are excited

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Tilmaamaha cusub ee COVID-19 ee Badbaadada Shaqaalaha

FAQ ee Tilmaamaha Cusub ee COVID-19: Waa kuwan jawaabahayaga su'aalaha ugu badan ee ku saabsan tilmaamaha cusub ee COVID-19 iyo ilaalinta badbaadada shaqaalahaaga. Hadafkayagu waa in aan shaqaalahaaga ka ilaalino rugta caafimaadka iyo cusbitaalka haddii aanay daruuri ahayn. S: Marka shaqaaluhu leeyihiin

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