FAM Tour Group meeting at Profinium Place in downtown Mankato
Yesterday I had the pleasure of introducing a national site selector around the Greater Mankato community. The day was part of the Minnesota Marketing Partnership’s Fam Tour event. Ten site selectors from across the country came to Minnesota to learn more about our development opportunities and the business climate. Each site selector went out and visited a different region of the state. We put away our Minnesota modesty and got to brag about the success we have experienced as both a state and as a regional center.
In Greater Mankato we had an action packed day of tours and business visits. After a lunch that brought together leadership from manufacturing, professional services, education, health care, technology, agriculture, finance, city, and utilities…our guest had just one thing to say: The access to information here is unrivaled. New businesses entering other communities may struggle to get access to this level of insight. Our community’s leaders see the value and make the time.