التصنيف: Events

A little spotlight for some large hearts

Earlier today at a news conference the 2016 Pathfinder Award Recipients were announced. I have had the honor to assist in a small portion of the process and each year walk away amazed and energized from the kind, brave and deliberate souls that reside across

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تم إصدار جدول أعمال مانكاتو الكبرى لعام 2016 بعد ساعات وقبل ساعات!

يسعدنا أن نعلن عن جدول 2016 لأحداث التواصل الأكثر شهرة ورواجًا لدينا ، و Mankato Business After Hours و Business Before Hours. من المؤكد أن تشكيلة هذا العام ستثير الإعجاب وتقدم الكثير من التنوع ، ونحن نتطلع إلى رؤية كل ذلك

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Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd

Our elected officials have the power to make decisions that impact the vitality of our regional marketplace. It is because of this reason that elections are one of the most important and effective ways citizens can make their voices heard. On Tuesday, November 3 residents

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