التنوع والمساواة والشمول التعاوني

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Program with Greater Mankato Growth
applications will open in the summer

October 2024 - April 2025

$749 per participant (GMG member)
$849 per participant (non-member)

The Greater Mankato Growth Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Collaborative supports area leaders in developing the skills, mindsets, and networks needed to drive inclusive change for greater equity within their organizations.

A limited number of partial small business scholarships will be available.

If you or your business are interested in sponsoring the DEI Collaborative, please reach out to شانون جولليكسون أو learn more here.

الموارد الرئيسية والدعم

Facilitators will provide local and statewide resources and support as participants dive deeper to understand how they show up as leaders and begin driving DEI in their organizations.

This program will focus on a small cohort of no more than 30 participants, ensuring the opportunity for collaborative networking. We encourage multiple participants per business and recommend one of them is a decision-maker within the organization.

الرئيسان المشاركان: د. كيونج هوينه وسيسيلي بولزين | 2023 أفضل متطوعي نمو مانكاتو للعام
جمعية DEI التعاونية:
  • Is a seven-month program designed to help employers create and maintain an environment that welcomes and celebrates diversity within their workplace. The class meets for half a day each month.
  • يعتقد أن تطوير التعاطف بين الثقافات والتفاهم أمر حيوي لاحتياجات القوى العاملة المستقبلية في مانكاتو الكبرى.
  • Offers a unique opportunity for participants to hear from those who have developed inclusive practices in their organizations and to work across business and nonprofit sectors in our region to integrate new ideas to their workplace.

A limited number of partial small business scholarships are available.

For more information, please reach out to شانون جولليكسون. To register, complete the DEI Collaborative Participant Commitment Statement Form (أقل) والعودة إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني في النموذج.

معلومات جلسة DEI التعاونية

During the first session, participants will commit to a set of norms that will guide them through the DEI Collaborative experience. They will define their DEI purpose, vision, values, and leadership commitment, and receive an overview of the developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, as well as the DEI Collaborative’s group IDI profile.

Participants take the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) and begin individual, 30-minute debriefs with Tobias Spanier, a certified IDI facilitator.

سيحدد المشاركون التواضع الثقافي والرشاقة الثقافية ، بالإضافة إلى تقديم أمثلة على هذه المفاهيم في العمل. كما سيستكشفون أهمية هذه المفاهيم في خلق أماكن عمل عادلة وشاملة.

John Harper, Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for South Central College will lead cohort members through activities which will help them understand unconscious bias and how history and culture have affected the way we see others.

Leaders from local organizations that are champions of change and acceptance will share about their work and how Greater Mankato businesses and organizations can partner with them to create a more accepting workplace.

This session will provide information, lively discussion, and activities for cohort members who wish to help create an inclusivity plan for their employers. Many local organizations offer resources for employers who wish to gain a better understanding of the ways they can accommodate and embrace different cultures in the workplace.

Presenters from area organizations that have created a framework for an inclusive workplace will share their processes, as well as success and challenges they have experienced along the way.

Presenters from area organizations that have created a framework for an inclusive workplace will share their processes, as well as success and challenges they have experienced along the way.

Each monthly session will take place from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.

تقديم الرعاة
Dan & Angie Bastain - Presenting Sponsors of the DEI Program 2022-2023
راعي منحة الأعمال الصغيرة
South Central Workforce Council Logo
دعم الرعاة
راعي الضيافة والتسهيلات
راعي إنتاج الفيديو
للمزيد من المعلومات أرجو الأتصال:
شانون جولليكسون
مدير برامج القيادة

هاتف: 507-381-2068
بريد إلكتروني: 
[email protected]

تعرف على المزيد حول برامجنا المهنية
