
توجد شركة Greater Mankato Growth، Inc. (GMG) لتعمد تطوير المركز الإقليمي

ويتحقق ذلك من خلال الترويج والدعم والعمل كمحفز للتنمية الاقتصادية من خلال نمو الأعمال والاحتفاظ بها وجذبها ؛ نمو المواهب والاحتفاظ بها وجاذبيتها ؛ العيش الإقليمي والدعوة للسوق. تتكون شركة Greater Mankato Growth، Inc. من أربع وحدات أعمال ؛

  • أكبر نمو مانكاتو، غرفة التجارة الإقليمية ومنظمة التنمية الاقتصادية التي تخدم السوق الإقليمية
  • قم بزيارة مانكاتو، منظمة إدارة الوجهة المحلية
  • شراكة سيتي سنتر، وهي منظمة تنمية وسط المدينة
  • غرين سيم، التي تستخدم الزراعة للبناء على أصول الأعمال الزراعية الواسعة في المنطقة لتطوير الاقتصاد الزراعي.
Della Schmidt
President & CEO, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Della joins Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. with more than three decades of experience leading chamber, economic and workforce development, and regional partnership organizations and initiatives within southern Minnesota and southeast Iowa. Prior to joining GMG, Inc., Della served as the President and CEO of the Greater Burlington Partnership, led the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce, and served as president of the Carlton County Chamber and St. Peter Area Chamber. Della has a track record of fostering collaboration between communities, businesses, local government, and institutions, driving a robust business sector and a healthy economy.

[email protected]

آندي ويلك
Executive Vice President, Greater Mankato Growth

Andy leads Greater Mankato Growth, the 5th largest chamber of commerce in the state of Minnesota. Additionally, he leads all advocacy efforts across the entire GMG, Inc. organization. He previously worked with Brookfield Properties for nearly ten years managing shopping centers in Iowa, Georgia, and Minnesota. Andy is also a former small business owner, and he previously worked for the Minnesota House of Representatives. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato. In 2024, Andy was named a “Top Leader under 40” by the Minnesota Valley Business Magazine.

[email protected]

أشلي وايت
زيارة مدير مانكاتو

Ashlee has more than a decade of public relations and marketing experience, which includes work on travel and tourism campaigns for domestic and international destinations such as Visit Tucson, Israel Ministry of Tourism, Visit Wales, Visit South Walton and Los Cabos Tourism. She has also led comprehensive communications efforts for countless hotels, restaurants, events, and attractions around the globe. She holds a bachelor's degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato in mass communications with a minor in marketing. After graduating, she spent close to a decade working in New York City, before moving back to Mankato in 2019.

[email protected]

سام زيجلر
مدير GreenSeam

Sam Ziegler لديه شغف بكل ما يتعلق بالزراعة. أن تكون جزءًا من توفير الطعام والأعلاف والوقود والألياف للعائلات في منطقتنا للعائلات في الخارج هي مهنة رائعة يجب أن تكون جزءًا منها. في هذا المنصب ، تعمل Ziegler مع أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين في بناء تحالفات إلى جانب تطوير وتنفيذ المبادرات الاستراتيجية الرئيسية التي تعتبر مكونات أساسية لتحقيق تطلعات GreenSeam. قضى سام ما يقرب من عشر سنوات مع مجلس البحوث والترويج لفول الصويا في مينيسوتا ورابطة مينيسوتا لمزارعي فول الصويا وهو شريك ومشغل من الجيل الرابع لمزارع زيجلر ، الواقعة بالقرب من جود ثاندر. يستمتع سام بكونه أبًا وزوجًا ، ومن أجل المتعة فإنه يحب لعب البيسبول ، والتعليق في البحيرة أو الصيد.

[email protected]

Morgan Anderson
Marketing Assistant,
قم بزيارة مانكاتو

Morgan is a recent graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato with a degree in Marketing. Having grown up in Mankato, she loves getting to promote the area every day, highlighting many places she has found herself frequenting throughout the years. When she is not working or wedding planning, you can find Morgan on her snowmobile, water skiing, or up at her family's cabin in Nevis. 

[email protected]

جويل بومان
مدير الأحداث الخاصة ، قم بزيارة مانكاتو

جويل هي خريجة معهد مانكاتو الكبرى للقيادة. التحقت جويل بكلية بيثاني اللوثرية في مانكاتو ، حيث لعبت في فريق الكرة الطائرة ، وتخرجت بدرجة في علم الأحياء في عام 2008. ثم التحقت بجامعة ولاية مينيسوتا ، مانكاتو وتخرجت في عام 2012 بدرجة البكالوريوس في الأطعمة والتغذية وقاصر في الشركات و لياقة المجتمع. خارج العمل ، يمكنك أن تجدها تستمتع بوقتها مع ابنتها وابنها وزوجها ، والتواجد مع العائلة والأصدقاء ، ولعب الكرة الطائرة ، والتواجد في الهواء الطلق.

[email protected]

Brittany Bowman
Program & Events Coordinator, Greater Mankato Growth

Brittany primarily works with the Young Professionals program. She grew up in Amery, Wisconsin and graduated from Bethany Lutheran College in 2006 with a degree in Sociology and Health Communication. She then went to Alexandria Technical College and received her Law Enforcement Degree and Skills Completion Certificate in 2008. Brittany and her family enjoy attending community events and MSU sporting events when they are not busy with children's activities (soccer, football, and baseball). Brittany and her family also like traveling, hiking, boating, kayaking, paddleboarding and having bonfires.

[email protected]

هولي كالاهان
منسق التنمية الاقتصادية ، GreenSeam

هولي من مواليد مينيسوتا ، ولدت ونشأت في ضواحي سانت بول. نشأت حول الحرم الجامعي التابع لجامعة مينيسوتا حيث نشأت لتحب تربة مينيسوتا الخصبة والمنتجة. انتقلت إلى مانكاتو في عام 2020 بعد تخرجها من جامعة نورث سنترال بدرجة علمية في إدارة الأعمال. بعد العمل في التمويل المحلي وتطوير المعرفة بالأعمال التجارية التي تفتخر بأنها موطن منطقتنا ، أصبحت هولي شغوفة باقتصاد مانكاتو الكبرى - وخاصة الزراعة. في أوقات فراغها ، تستمتع بالركض على الدرب ، والعزف في فرقتها ، وقضاء الوقت مع زوجها والمختبر الأسود.

[email protected]

دارسي أدخل
Finance & Benefits Manager, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Darcy worked for Taylor Corporation for 23 years, beginning her career in the accounting department and served in a variety of leadership roles for the organization, most recently as purchasing manager. Darcy is a graduate of University of Minnesota, Morris, with a degree in Business Management and Economics. Outside of work, Darcy has 1 daughter. She enjoys traveling, and spending times with friends and family.

[email protected]

شانون جولليكسون
مدير برامج القيادة ، نمو مانكاتو الكبرى

شانون مسؤولة عن الإشراف على معهد مانكاتو للقيادة الكبرى ، ومجلس صوت مانكاتو التنفيذي الأكبر ، وتنوع مانكاتو الأكبر وتعاونية الإنصاف. يتمتع شانون بأكثر من 30 عامًا من الخبرة القيادية في المنظمات غير الربحية والهادفة للربح ويعمل حاليًا في مجلس إدارة Kiwanis Holiday Lights وهو رئيس Camp Patterson، Inc. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فهي رئيسة سابقة لطريقة مانكاتو المتحدة الكبرى. تخرجت شانون من جامعة ولاية مينيسوتا ، مانكاتو بدرجة البكالوريوس في الاتصال الجماهيري وتخصص ثانوي في الاتصالات الكلامية. خارج مكان العمل ، تستمتع شانون بلعب الجولف والطهي والخبز والتسلية والسفر والعمل التطوعي.

[email protected]

Rachel Hermanson
Design & Marketing Coordinator, Visit Mankato

Rachel is a graduate of Bethany Lutheran College and Rasmussen University with degrees in Liberal Arts and Graphic Design. Originally hailing from Albert Lea, Rachel considers Mankato her “second hometown.” In her role with Visit Mankato, she enjoys promoting all of the wonderful amenities that the Greater Mankato area has to offer both visitors and residents. Prior to joining the Visit Mankato team, Rachel worked as a Graphic Designer for Navitor and Corporate Graphics Commercial, and as a Pre-media Specialist at Capstone Publishing. Rachel also has past experience working as a Promotional Products Assistant for Thysse in Oregon, Wisconsin, and as a Member and Communications Manager for the Oregon, Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce. In her spare time, Rachel enjoys hiking, horseback riding, reading, listening to music, and spending time with her family.

[email protected]

Tyler Kuch
Membership Director

Tyler is a born-and-raised Mankatoan who joined the Greater Mankato Growth after seven years with the Mankato MoonDogs baseball team.  Tyler graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2013 with a degree in Sport Management and spent time in Massachusetts and Colorado before coming home to Minnesota. Even though he no longer works in sports, Tyler remains passionate about his Minnesota teams (please don’t ask him anything important during a Vikings game). Tyler lives in Mankato with his wife, Jessica, and their two children, Dora and Mickey.

[email protected]

جوي ليفبلاد
Sports & Special Events Director, Visit Mankato

تخرجت جوي بدرجة البكالوريوس من جامعة ولاية مينيسوتا ومانكاتو في التربية البدنية ومن جامعة بايلور بدرجة الماجستير في التربية البدنية وترقيات العافية. عاشت وعملت في مانكاتو منذ عام 2007. عملت جوي مع Mankato Family YMCA ومركز اللياقة الإقليمي في موريس ، مينيسوتا ، مع التركيز على مشاركة المجتمع وتطوير الأحداث والبرامج. تستمتع Joy بالعمل في المجتمع كمتطوعة وقضاء الوقت مع ابنتها وعائلتها.

[email protected]

Tanner Meredith
Marketing Specialist, Greater Mankato Growth

Tanner is a recent graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato with a degree in Marketing. In his role with the chamber, he enjoys getting to meet all of our member businesses and helping promote the economic growth and vitality of our region. Prior to joining the team, Tanner worked as a Communications & Marketing Assistant at Minnesota State University, Mankato in eSports. He also has experience in the IBE Program at the university helping promote his own business. Outside of work, Tanner loves to play pickleball, video games, and trying new places in the area to eat.

[email protected]

بنيامين مولينهاردت
منسق التسويق ، GreenSeam

Ben’s hometown is Little Falls, Minnesota, but for the last seven years, he has come to love and call the Mankato area home. He completed his Marketing Management degree at South Central College. Ben enjoys amplifying the GreenSeam brand and bringing attention to this region’s extensive agricultural assets. Outside of work, Ben enjoys playing pickleball, cooking, and spending time with his significant other and Kaden, their yellow lab and golden retriever mix.

[email protected]

Jake Rinehart
Economic Development Specialist, Greater Mankato Growth, REDA

Jake spent 3.5 years at KEYC News Now as a Digital Content Producer before moving to Corporate Graphics International (a division of Taylor Corporation) in October 2023. Jake is originally from St. Peter and graduated from St. Peter High School in 2015. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato where he studied marketing and mass media. Outside of work, Jake enjoys fishing, golfing, live music, and soccer.

[email protected]

ليز شارب
Director of Business Event & Sales; Director of Office Operations, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Liz has held multiple positions with the organization's predecessors, the Greater Mankato Chamber of Commerce from 1994 - 2007. She is responsible for overseeing the implementation and success of all special events for the organization (Business Before & After Hours; Annual Meeting; Business Showcase; Songs on the Lawn; Greater Mankato on the Green; Business Reception at Vikings Training Camp; Tour of Manufacturing; and the Business Awards & Hall of Fame... to name a few). Liz attended the University of Maryland in Munich, Germany. Liz is also a graduate of the Greater Mankato Leadership Institute and the YWCA's Elizabeth Kearney Women's Leadership. Outside of work, Liz loves spending time with family and friends, gardening and traveling.

[email protected]

بيث سميث
Administrative Coordinator, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. ​

Prior to joining Greater Mankato Growth, Inc., Beth worked for over 30 years at various divisions of Taylor Corporation, primarily in Accounts Payable and Purchasing. She graduated from the University of Minnesota, Morris with a degree in English. Beth has lived in Mankato most of her life and is happy to be part of an organization that has such a positive impact on our region. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, indulging in her life-long love of reading, and enjoying the beauty of Minnesota’s State Parks.

[email protected]

ريان فيسي
Business Development Director, Greater Mankato Growth, REDA​

Ryan joined the Greater Mankato Growth team in February 2020 as an Economic Development Specialist and has now moved to Business Development Director. His role entails working with existing businesses to help resolve challenges they are facing, engaging new and prospective businesses to establish locations in the Greater Mankato area, and liaising with education and workforce development partners. Ryan graduated from Windom Area High School prior to attending the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with a BA in European History in 2015.

[email protected]

إينيس وينجيرت
Marketing & Communications Manager, Greater Mankato Growth

Ines has a Master of Arts in Technical Communication from Minnesota State University, Mankato and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Public Relations, and Mass Communications from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Ines has over a decade of experience developing and executing marketing strategies, managing external and internal communication, brand development, and more. Prior to her joining Greater Mankato Growth, Inc., Ines was a Marketing & Communications Manager at the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota, where she worked from its infancy to the established organization it is today. She is a graduate of the YMCA Mankato's Elizabeth Kearney's Women's Leadership and Greater Mankato Leadership Institute. Ines is an active volunteer through various organizations, including the COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic and La Leche League International. Ines also serves on multiple committees at Mankato Area Public Schools. As a native of Croatia, Ines brings a unique perspective to our organization and is excited to apply her international life experiences to the work of Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. and the community as a whole.

[email protected]
