
Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. (GMG) 的存在是为了有意发展区域中心

这是通过业务增长、保留和吸引来促进、支持和充当经济发展的催化剂来实现的;人才成长、保留和吸引;区域宜居性和市场宣传。 Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. 由四个业务部门组成:

  • 更大的曼凯托增长,服务于区域市场的区域商会和经济发展组织
  • 游览曼凯托,当地目的地管理组织
  • 市中心伙伴关系,一个市中心发展组织
  • 绿缝,利用农业来利用该地区广泛的农业企业资产来发展农业经济。
Della Schmidt
President & CEO, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Della joins Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. with more than three decades of experience leading chamber, economic and workforce development, and regional partnership organizations and initiatives within southern Minnesota and southeast Iowa. Prior to joining GMG, Inc., Della served as the President and CEO of the Greater Burlington Partnership, led the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce, and served as president of the Carlton County Chamber and St. Peter Area Chamber. Della has a track record of fostering collaboration between communities, businesses, local government, and institutions, driving a robust business sector and a healthy economy.

[email protected]

Executive Vice President, Greater Mankato Growth

Andy oversees the chamber of commerce and all advocacy efforts across the entire GMG, Inc. organization. He previously worked with Brookfield Properties for nearly ten years managing shopping centers in Iowa, Georgia, and Minnesota. Andy is also a former small business owner and he previously worked for the Minnesota House of Representatives. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato.

[email protected]


Ashlee has more than a decade of public relations and marketing experience, which includes work on travel and tourism campaigns for domestic and international destinations such as Visit Tucson, Israel Ministry of Tourism, Visit Wales, Visit South Walton and Los Cabos Tourism. She has also led comprehensive communications efforts for countless hotels, restaurants, events, and attractions around the globe. She holds a bachelor's degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato in mass communications with a minor in marketing. After graduating, she spent close to a decade working in New York City, before moving back to Mankato in 2019.

[email protected]


萨姆·齐格勒 (Sam Ziegler) 对所有与农业相关的事物充满热情。为我们地区的家庭和国外的家庭提供食品、饲料、燃料和纤维是一个令人惊叹的职业。在此职位上,齐格勒与主要农业利益相关者合作,建立联盟,制定和执行关键战略举措,这些战略举措是实现 GreenSeam 愿景的重要组成部分。 Sam 在明尼苏达州大豆研究与促进委员会和明尼苏达州大豆种植者协会工作了近十年,是位于 Good Thunder 附近的 Ziegler 农场的第四代合作伙伴和经营者。山姆喜欢成为一名父亲和丈夫,为了好玩,他喜欢打棒球、在湖边闲逛或打猎。

[email protected]


乔尔毕业于大曼凯托领导学院。 Joelle 就读于曼凯托贝瑟尼路德学院 (Bethany Lutheran College),并在那里担任排球队队员,并于 2008 年获得生物学学位。随后,她就读于曼凯托明尼苏达州立大学 (Minnesota State University),并于 2012 年毕业,获得食品与营养学位,并辅修了企业与营养专业。社区健身。工作之余,您会发现她与女儿、儿子和丈夫一起享受时光,与家人和朋友在一起,打排球和户外活动。

[email protected]

Brittany Bowman
Program & Events Coordinator, Greater Mankato Growth

Brittany primarily works with the Young Professionals program. She grew up in Amery, Wisconsin and graduated from Bethany Lutheran College in 2006 with a degree in Sociology and Health Communiation. She then went to Alexandria Technical College and received her Law Enforcement Degree and Skills Completion Certificate in 2008. Brittany and her family enjoy attending community events and MSU sporting events when they are not busy with children's activities (soccer, football, and baseball). Brittany and her family also like traveling, hiking, boating, kayaking, paddleboarding and having bonfires.

[email protected]

GreenSeam 经济发展协调员

霍莉是明尼苏达人,在圣保罗郊区出生和长大。她在明尼苏达大学扩展校区周围长大,在那里她逐渐爱上了我们茂密、多产的明尼苏达土壤。她从中北部大学毕业并获得商业学位后,于 2020 年搬到曼凯托。在从事当地金融工作并了解了以我们地区为家的企业的知识后,霍莉对大曼凯托经济(尤其是农业)充满了热情。在空闲时间,她喜欢越野跑、在乐队中演奏以及与丈夫和黑人拉布拉多共度时光。

[email protected]

Finance & Benefits Manager, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Darcy worked for Taylor Corporation for 23 years, beginning her career in the accounting department and served in a variety of leadership roles for the organization, most recently as purchasing manager. Darcy is a graduate of University of Minnesota, Morris, with a degree in Business Management and Economics. Outside of work, Darcy has 1 daughter. She enjoys traveling, and spending times with friends and family.

[email protected]


香农负责监督大曼凯托领导力学院、大曼凯托执行咨询委员会和大曼凯托多元化与公平合作组织。 Shannon 在非营利和营利组织中拥有 30 多年的领导经验,目前担任 Kiwanis Holiday Lights 的董事会成员,并担任 Camp Patterson, Inc. 的总裁。此外,她还是大曼凯托联合之路的前任主席。香农毕业于曼凯托明尼苏达州立大学,获得大众传播学学士学位,辅修语音传播学。工作之余,香农喜欢打高尔夫球、烹饪、烘焙、娱乐、旅行和志愿服务。

[email protected]

Rachel Hermanson
Design & Marketing Coordinator, Visit Mankato

Rachel is a graduate of Bethany Lutheran College and Rasmussen University with degrees in Liberal Arts and Graphic Design. Originally hailing from Albert Lea, Rachel considers Mankato her “second hometown.” In her role with Visit Mankato, she enjoys promoting all of the wonderful amenities that the Greater Mankato area has to offer both visitors and residents. Prior to joining the Visit Mankato team, Rachel worked as a Graphic Designer for Navitor and Corporate Graphics Commercial, and as a Pre-media Specialist at Capstone Publishing. Rachel also has past experience working as a Promotional Products Assistant for Thysse in Oregon, Wisconsin, and as a Member and Communications Manager for the Oregon, Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce. In her spare time, Rachel enjoys hiking, horseback riding, reading, listening to music, and spending time with her family.

[email protected]

Tyler Kuch
Membership Director

Tyler is a born-and-raised Mankatoan who joined the Greater Mankato Growth after seven years with the Mankato MoonDogs baseball team.  Tyler graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2013 with a degree in Sport Management and spent time in Massachusetts and Colorado before coming home to Minnesota. Even though he no longer works in sports, Tyler remains passionate about his Minnesota teams (please don’t ask him anything important during a Vikings game). Tyler lives in Mankato with his wife, Jessica, and their two children, Dora and Mickey.

Sports & Special Events Director, Visit Mankato

Joy 毕业于曼凯托明尼苏达州立大学体育教育专业,获得学士学位,并毕业于贝勒大学,获得体育教育与健康推广硕士学位。她自 2007 年以来一直在曼凯托生活和工作。乔伊在曼凯托家庭基督教青年会和明尼苏达州莫里斯的地区健身中心工作,专注于社区参与以及活动和项目开发。乔伊喜欢作为志愿者在社区工作,并与女儿和家人共度时光。

[email protected]

Tanner Meredith
Marketing Specialist, Greater Mankato Growth

Tanner is a recent graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato with a degree in Marketing. In his role with the chamber, he enjoys getting to meet all of our member businesses and helping promote the economic growth and vitality of our region. Prior to joining the team, Tanner worked as a Communications & Marketing Assistant at Minnesota State University, Mankato in eSports. He also has experience in the IBE Program at the university helping promote his own business. Outside of work, Tanner loves to play pickleball, video games, and trying new places in the area to eat.

[email protected]

GreenSeam 营销协调员

Ben’s hometown is Little Falls, Minnesota, but for the last seven years, he has come to love and call the Mankato area home. He completed his Marketing Management degree at South Central College. Ben enjoys amplifying the GreenSeam brand and bringing attention to this region’s extensive agricultural assets. Outside of work, Ben enjoys playing pickleball, cooking, and spending time with his significant other and Kaden, their yellow lab and golden retriever mix.


Jake Rinehart
Economic Development Specialist, Greater Mankato Growth, REDA

Jake spent 3.5 years at KEYC News Now as a Digital Content Producer before moving to Corporate Graphics International (a division of Taylor Corporation) in October 2023. Jake is originally from St. Peter and graduated from St. Peter High School in 2015. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato where he studied marketing and mass media. Outside of work, Jake enjoys fishing, golfing, live music, and soccer.

[email protected]

Director of Business Event & Sales; Director of Office Operations, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Liz has held multiple positions with the organization's predecessors, the Greater Mankato Chamber of Commerce from 1994 - 2007. She is responsible for overseeing the implementation and success of all special events for the organization (Business Before & After Hours; Annual Meeting; Business Showcase; Songs on the Lawn; Greater Mankato on the Green; Business Reception at Vikings Training Camp; Tour of Manufacturing; and the Business Awards & Hall of Fame... to name a few). Liz attended the University of Maryland in Munich, Germany. Liz is also a graduate of the Greater Mankato Leadership Institute and the YWCA's Elizabeth Kearney Women's Leadership. Outside of work, Liz loves spending time with family and friends, gardening and traveling.

[email protected]

Administrative Coordinator, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. ​

Prior to joining Greater Mankato Growth, Inc., Beth worked for over 30 years at various divisions of Taylor Corporation, primarily in Accounts Payable and Purchasing. She graduated from the University of Minnesota, Morris with a degree in English. Beth has lived in Mankato most of her life and is happy to be part of an organization that has such a positive impact on our region. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, indulging in her life-long love of reading, and enjoying the beauty of Minnesota’s State Parks.

[email protected]

Business Development Director, Greater Mankato Growth, REDA​

Ryan joined the Greater Mankato Growth team in February 2020 as an Economic Development Specialist and has now moved to Business Development Director. His role entails working with existing businesses to help resolve challenges they are facing, engaging new and prospective businesses to establish locations in the Greater Mankato area, and liaising with education and workforce development partners. Ryan graduated from Windom Area High School prior to attending the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with a BA in European History in 2015.

[email protected]

Marketing & Communications Manager, Greater Mankato Growth

Ines has a Master of Arts in Technical Communication from Minnesota State University, Mankato and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Public Relations, and Mass Communications from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Ines has over a decade of experience developing and executing marketing strategies, managing external and internal communication, brand development, and more. Prior to her joining Greater Mankato Growth, Inc., Ines was a Marketing & Communications Manager at the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota, where she worked from its infancy to the established organization it is today. She is a graduate of the YMCA Mankato's Elizabeth Kearney's Women's Leadership and Greater Mankato Leadership Institute. Ines is an active volunteer through various organizations, including the COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic and La Leche League International. Ines also serves on multiple committees at Mankato Area Public Schools. As a native of Croatia, Ines brings a unique perspective to our organization and is excited to apply her international life experiences to the work of Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. and the community as a whole.

[email protected]

Director of Business Event & Sales; Director of Office Operations, Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

Liz has held multiple positions with the organization's predecessors, the Greater Mankato Chamber of Commerce from 1994 - 2007. She is responsible for overseeing the implementation and success of all special events for the organization (Business Before & After Hours; Annual Meeting; Business Showcase; Songs on the Lawn; Greater Mankato on the Green; Business Reception at Vikings Training Camp; Tour of Manufacturing; and the Business Awards & Hall of Fame... to name a few). Liz attended the University of Maryland in Munich, Germany. Liz is also a graduate of the Greater Mankato Leadership Institute and the YWCA's Elizabeth Kearney Women's Leadership. Outside of work, Liz loves spending time with family and friends, gardening and traveling.

[email protected]
