التصنيف: Business

شراء محلي: أقنعة الوجه وغيرها من معدات الوقاية الشخصية

قامت شركة Great Mankato Growth مؤخرًا بتوزيع 66000 قناع وجه في مقاطعتي Blue Earth و Nicollet استجابةً للولاية على مستوى الولاية. كان القصد من ذلك هو مساعدة الشركات في الترحيب بالعملاء ، والحفاظ على سلامة الموظفين ، والمساعدة في خفض التكاليف لشركات المنطقة. انظر البيان الصحفي الكامل

اقرأ أكثر
Governor Walz Announces Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate

Today Governor Walz announced a new EO-20-81-Final implementing a statewide requirement to wear facial coverings when inside indoor businesses and indoor public settings. This requirement will be effective beginning July 25. You can find general information and FAQs on the mask mandate here. In addition,

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City of Mankato Publishes Mask Ordinance Details

Beginning Friday, July 10 the Mankato City Council’s emergency declaration ordinance requiring face coverings goes into effect. The City has published a website with details about the ordinance and compliance, including FAQs and optional signage businesses can utilize.

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10 Disciplines for Leaders in Good & Bad Times

This is a guest blog post by Joe Paulsen from Greater Mankato Growth member business, Pinnacle Business Traction. At the virtual Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) conference in May, my biggest take away came from the creator of EOS, Gino Wickman. He gave a keynote address

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