التصنيف: Business

خصومات إعلانية حصرية للأعضاء

نظرًا لأن مجتمعنا يتطلع إلى العودة إلى العمل ، سيكون من الضروري للشركات الإعلان عن وضعهم ومشاركته مع الجمهور وما يفعلونه للتأكد من سلامة عملائهم. نحن نعلم أيضًا أنه في كثير من الأحيان عندما تحتاج إلى الإعلان

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Legislative Session Recap Virtual Discussion

Join your colleagues and our regional legislators on May 22 at 8 am as Greater Mankato Growth hosts a virtual discussion to recap the 2020 legislative session. With COVID-19 still significantly impacting businesses, our panel of legislators will provide an update on their efforts to

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Greater Mankato Growth Signs Letter to Gov. Walz

Yesterday Greater Mankato Growth partnered with 75 chambers of commerce from across the state to send a letter to Governor Walz urging him to consider a more rapid and equitable approach to safely open businesses of all sizes. In addition, our community’s own Marissa Brostrom,

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PPE for Business Preparedness Plans

PPE Procurement Source list Updated:  5.20.20; previous update:  5.14.2020 Greater Mankato Growth is working to support getting back to business. Businesses that have previously not had direct customer interaction during the Stay At Home order are laying out their COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Example templates are

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COVID-19 Business Loan/Grant Resources

With COVID-19 hitting businesses tremendously hard, all levels of government and other organizations have made a number of financial resources for businesses available. Below is a comprehensive list of those resources with links to where you can learn more.

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Employer COVID-19 Preparedness Plans

Executive Order 20-48 issued by Gov. Tim Walz on April 30, 2020, requires each business in operation during the peacetime emergency to establish a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. The following blog provides resources for businesses as they implement a plan suited to their workplace.

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