When Will New Laws Impact Your Business?

Trying to keep track of all the new laws passed this past legislative session? The legislature passed a lot of new laws that impact employers; it’s hard to keep track of them all. We have put together a simple guide to be aware of some of the laws that are already in effect, and also a timeline for when some of the other laws take effect, such as paid family leave, earned sick leave, delivery fees, and much more. While there are a lot of details yet to be known, we hope that this simple timeline will give employers a quick guide to understand what to be on the lookout for right now, as well as in the coming months and years. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to آندي ويلك.

Already in Effect:

  • Hair texture and styles added to the definition of race.
  • Ban on restrictive franchise agreements (“no-poach” or “non-solicitation” agreements).
  • State Building Code process/rules change to require adult-size changing facilities.
  • Cumulative impact reporting on state air permits.
  • Odor management oversight.
  • Air toxics reporting criteria to obtain a permit.
  • Additional public meetings for nonexpiring air permits.
  • Noncompete agreements banned.
  • Small business exemptions removed for lactating employees and pregnancy accommodation.
  • Eliminated small business exclusion for pregnancy and parenting leave.
  • Human Rights Act updated with new definitions of sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • New and increased OSHA penalties, classification of citation data, authority to inspect employer exclusion.
  • Ergonomics grant program and new ergonomics reporting requirements.
  • New agriculture and food processing worker standards.
  • Nursing Home Standards board established to set new employment standards.
  • Motor vehicle tax increases.

As of August 1, 2023:

  • Restrictions on employer-sponsored meetings and communications (captive audience).
  • New protections in place for warehouse distribution centers.
  • Stricter construction worker wage protections.
  • Fees increase for groundwater appropriation permits.
  • Legalization of recreational cannabis.

October 1, 2023:

  • 1% Metro area sales tax for transit and housing.

January 1, 2024:

  • Sick and safe time mandated.
  • New ergonomics standards in effect for warehouse, meatpacking, healthcare workers.
  • New worker standards for meat and poultry processing.
  • Ban established on asking about pay history.
  • Tab fee increases.
  • Gas tax indexed to inflation.

July 1, 2024:

  • New $0.50 fee per delivery on retail deliveries over $100.

October 1, 2024:

  • Minnesota OSHA fines/penalties indexed to inflation.

January 1, 2025:

  • Minnesota Secure Choice Plan – retirement savings program.
  • PFAS ban in 11 products.

January 1, 2026:

  • New paid family and medical leave mandate.
  • New reporting requirements for all PFAS products.





