The following article was submitted by Rachael Evers of GMG member business Monarch Meadows. She writes about the importance of creating an employee-first workplace culture during a time when retaining talent is crucial. Are you part of a Greater Mankato member business and have an interest in writing a guest blog for us? Send 500-800 words to [email protected] or reach out to Greater Mankato Growth with further questions.
In today’s world we are faced with a challenging workforce. Unemployment levels are low and there are more jobs available then people entering the workforce. As workforce industries prepare for the baby boomer population to retire, a proactive approach needs to be taken. How can employers attract and retain employees? It starts with the workplace culture.
Creating an employee-first culture can help attract, retain and develop employees. In an employee-first culture, the workplace cares for their employees first. In any business our customers and products are an important piece to business operations. But, if we did not have employees we would not be able to maintain the day to day operations of our businesses. When employers invest in their team, care for their team and appreciate their team, amazing things happen to that business. Employees become more efficient and productive, employees recommend others to the workplace, business outcomes improve and customers are satisfied.
Organizations need to take the time and effort to create an employee-first culture. Employees want to feel appreciated, want to hear feedback and want to know they are supported in their organization. When employees know they are valued, they will do more than what is expected. I challenge you to examine your workplace culture to see where you sit. Do you hear laughter? Do employees go the extra mile? Do employees volunteer to take on extra tasks to make your organization a better place? Does the team feel proud and committed? Take the time to access the tone of your organization. Those who have a positive workplace culture, you can just “feel” it the minute you walk in the door.
Every industry is fighting for employees. Be the employer of choice. Organizations need to have a plan in place for their workplace culture. Invest in your employees, have a process to develop and further grow your employees. Show genuine appreciate and gratitude to employees and hear them out. When organizations look at only the financial side of business, employees suffer and business outcomes will also suffer.
Simon Sinek states “a boss has the title. A leader has the people.” Create a workplace culture where you have the people. Those people will then support the organization in times of change, struggle, and success. When an employee first culture is established, you will see trust, joy, productivity, laughter, collaboration, success, and so much more! Humans want to be acknowledged, involved, supported, and valued. Be the organization that does that. Take the pulse of your organization, and make changes to move to an employee first culture, you will not regret it.