13 مايو Legislative Session Recap Virtual Discussion

Today Greater Mankato Growth hosted a webinar titled COVID-19 Paid Leave & EFMLA - Answering Employer Questions. Below are links to the webinar recording as well as the slides. In addition, you can view full details of the event here.Webinar RecordingWebinar Slides...
Yesterday Greater Mankato Growth partnered with 75 chambers of commerce from across the state to send a letter to Governor Walz urging him to consider a more rapid and equitable approach to safely open businesses of all sizes. In addition, our community’s own Marissa Brostrom,...
With COVID-19 hitting businesses tremendously hard, all levels of government and other organizations have made a number of financial resources for businesses available. Below is a comprehensive list of those resources with links to where you can learn more.
Today Greater Mankato Growth hosted a webinar titled COVID-19 Workplace Protection Plan Best Practices. Below are links to the webinar recording recording as well as the slides. In addition, you can view full details of the event here.Webinar Recording Webinar Slides...