التصنيف: Advocacy

Apply for a Mankato Citizen Committee

  The City of Mankato currently has openings for several citizen committees, including the Planning Commission. I serve on the Appointments Committee that will be responsible for selecting individuals to serve on these bodies. It’s important that we have quality candidates to select from, so

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Sunday Liquor Sales

A bill that would allow liquor stores to open on Sundays was passed by the MN House of Representatives earlier this week and a Senate Committee today. The next stop will be a vote by the full Senate. This is the closest Minnesota has ever

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Taxing Times

If you haven’t had a chance to pick up the February edition of Minnesota Valley Business yet, be sure to check out this month’s featured article “Taxing times.” It features David Richards of Jones Metal (a member of Greater Mankato Growth’s Public Affairs Steering Committee)

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Help Shape Our 2017 Policy Priorities

The Legislature will gavel into session on January 3, 2017. With a budget surplus of $1.4 billion and several key policy issues like taxes and transportation unresolved following the 2016 session, next year’s legislative session promises to be very important to our community and businesses.

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Overtime Rule Blocked

A federal judge in Texas has blocked the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) new federal overtime rule, which would have raised the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA’s) salary threshold for exemption from overtime pay from $23,660 to $47,476. Judge Amos Mazzant of the U.S. District Court

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Candidate Profiles Now Available Online

Profiles of candidates participating in the November 8, 2016 elections in our region are now available on Greater Mankato Growth’s election website greatermankatoelections.com. The information was provided directly from the candidates vying for office.

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Greater Mankato Growth Announces Candidate Forums

This election season, Greater Mankato Growth, along with several partner organizations, will host a series of candidate forums aimed at providing an opportunity for meaningful exchange between candidates and voters in areas impacting the community, business and the overall vitality of the region. The public

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