With four days left to election day, we would like to remind area voters that there are resources available to help you vote at GreaterMankatoElections.com. Our website has election resources that can help you determine where and how to vote and can help you decide between candidates, if you have not done so already. Our website contains candidate questionnaires ranging from local races to the race for Minnesota's 1st Congressional District. In addition, you can find saved recordings of the candidate forums that we hosted as well as links to forums hosted by other organizations in our community.

Important! A recent decision by the US Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that all mail in ballots received after 8pm on Election Day must be set aside, with the expectation that a future ruling will invalidate those votes. We are encouraging all voters with outstanding absentee ballots to submit those ballots in person.

TRACK YOUR BALLOT: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AbsenteeBallotStatus.aspx
