
Beddelka mid kasta oo ka mid ah galitaanka foomka waxay keeni doontaa in liiska dhacdooyinka uu ku soo cusboonaysiiyo natiijooyinka la sifeeyay.

All Day

Indigenous Peoples Day

Since 2018, the city of Mankato has recognized the second Monday in October as Indigenous People’s Day. Mankato’s Indigenous People’s Day Committee is hosting a weekend full of events October 6-10th. This year’s theme is “Keeping Indigenous History: Growing our Seeds.”

Mankato River Ramble

Beerta Xusuusta 100 Amos Owen Ln, Mankato

Check out the glorious fall colors of Minnesota by joining a scenic bike ride during the Mankato River Ramble. Presented by OFC and River’s Edge and hosted by both Mankato Bike Alliance and Minnesota Bicycle Alliance, the River Ramble is a celebration of Mankato’s award-winning bike...
