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2024 Kiwanis Holiday Lights

Beerta Sibley 900 Mound Ave., Mankato

This celebration of holiday lights for the Greater Mankato area and region builds on past traditions and promotes the communities we serve, while raising non-perishable food donations for those in need. Admission is free for everyone. Non-perishable food and cash donations are accepted and appreciated....

Christmas with Musicorum

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 720 S. 2nd St., Mankato

Musicorum, greater Mankato’s premiere chamber choral ensemble (Dr. Elisabeth Cherland, music director), will present a holiday-themed concert featuring various choral music styles, including choral works by Felix Mendelssohn, Healey Willan, Michael Praetorius, and contemporary composers Susan LaBarr and Jonathan Dove, and arranger Shawn Kirchner. Musical...

$5 – $15