

Young Historians

蓝土县历史协会 424 Warren St,Mankato,Minnesota

Young Historians is a hands-on history workshop for school-aged children. Each month, a new topic is presented with opportunities to interact, discuss and try new foods. Visit our website to see monthly topics: This Month - World War II and the 1940s Young Historians is...

Kiwanis Thunder of Drums – Drum & Bugle Corp 表演和比赛

布莱克斯利体育场 明尼苏达州曼凯托体育场路 191 号

今年将有七支军鼓队和军号队参加比赛,其中包括 2023 年世界锦标赛中最优秀的四支世界级队、决赛入围者和半决赛入围者:来自威斯康星州麦迪逊的麦迪逊童子军;来自旧金山的克罗斯曼...

Girl Scouts Under the Sea Adventure

Mankato Girl Scouts Service Center 1751 Victory Dr #400,Mankato,MN,United States

Explore ocean-themed games and activities while you learn about all the fun things you can do as a Girl Scout. You’ll also meet local Girl Scouts and volunteers, connect with other families interested in learning more about Girl Scouts, and explore opportunities to join (or...
