Qaybta: Visit Mankato

Iskaashiga Xarunta Magaalada
Savor the Flavors of Greater Mankato During Restaurant Week

Mankato, Minn. – Foodies rejoice! Visit Mankato and City Center Partnership have partnered to create the first-ever Greater Mankato Restaurant Week. The event will take place from February 17 to 23, 2025, offering a delicious opportunity to explore the diverse culinary scene in Greater Mankato.

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Ashlee White Named Visit Mankato Director

MANKATO, Minn. (February 7, 2023) — Visit Mankato, a business unit of Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. announces new Director, Ashlee White. Ms. White joins Visit Mankato with more than a decade of public relations and marketing experience across the travel, hospitality, music/entertainment, healthcare and consumer

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Booqo Mankato
Furitaanka Kalluumeysiga Guddoomiyaha 2023 oo lagu qaban doono Aagga Weyn ee Mankato

Furitaanka Kalluumeysiga ee 75-aad ee Guddoomiyaha Gobolka MN, oo ay martigelisay Mankato markii ugu horreysay, ayaa u dabaaldegi doonta dhaqanka kalluumeysiga ee Minnesota ee waqtiga lagu sharfay, waxaana lagu soo bandhigi doonaa munaasabado badan, laga bilaabo Khamiista, Maajo 11, illaa Sabtida, Maajo 13. Hawlo kala duwan oo u furan martida lagu martiqaaday ayaa iftiimin doonta Mankato weyne iyo

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2022 Mankato Marathon Registration Now Open

MANKATO, Minn. (January 12, 2022) — Registration for the 2022 Mankato Marathon presented by Mayo Clinic Health System opened in January with early bird pricing. Event organizers are working on new courses for 2022 races that include the Full Marathon, Half Marathon, Marathon Relay, Northwestern

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