Young Professional Membership Committee Co-Chairs Dianna Lyngholm and Jaci Sprague celebrate reaching 200 members!
This past week we celebrated our 200th Greater Mankato Young Professionals (YPs) member. In fact, today we reached our 204th YP member and the numbers just keep climbing. Why is this important to members of Greater Mankato Growth and to our community as a whole? It’s important because the growth in the YPs is not just a number — it’s indicative of the energy and excitement that is growing among those who have recently entered our workforce and have chosen to live and work here.
Many of the YPs are new to the community and just need to make some connections with others that they can relate to. Many are building their careers and client base and find value in the networking activities offered. Some just like to have fun and discover new and unique leisure activities they didn’t know about before becoming a YP. We’ve even had a few couples meet, fall in love and marry as a result of the YPs!
It’s amazing to see the community ownership that is being taken by the YPs. This is where their kids go to daycare and school. It’s where they’ve chosen to volunteer their time and establish memberships in service clubs, gyms and churches. It’s where they pay income and real estate taxes and donate to our many charities and nonprofits.
As someone that is a native of Greater Mankato and has been in the workforce for a few decades, it’s rewarding to see how this group of young leaders is helping mold the future. Not only through exceling in the workplace, but also through their voices and activism. They’ve told us what they want and are willing to work to that end in partnership with those of us who have lived here much longer than they have. More sports facilities? Additional trails? A children’s museum? Healthier and more abundant food offerings for those who are hungry? We’re all joining forces to make a difference – thanks to our growing number of YPs (and other area young professionals who aren’t currently in the program) for being a part of it all!
For more information on the Greater Mankato Young Professionals visit our website.
Keep it up YPs!
Shannon Gullicson