workforce blog seriesAs part of the Talent Initiative, Greater Mankato Growth is publishing a guest blog series highlighting the programs, tools and resources that are available in our marketplace. This series can serve as a catalog or library for businesses to address workforce issues.  Highlighting the Hiring BurdenContributed by: Grant Moody, Express Employment Professionals

hwy 14 construction mapThis summer from June 11 - July 14, Highway 14 through Mankato and North Mankato (Lookout Drive to Highway 22) will be resurfaced bringing significant construction impacts including lane and ramp closures. Read more for information on opportunities for businesses and residents to get informed so you can minimize impacts to you and your customers.

Greater Mankato's economic strength comes from the diversity of industries that are present in the marketplace.  If one industry is ever down, another is usually on the way up.  When Greater Mankato Growth has looked at industry diversification in the past, we have analyzed the total wages of each industry to surmise the economic impact of each.  But, how does our industry diversification compare to other metropolitan areas across the country and what can it tell us about our economic forecast?This blog post will focus on the Retail Sector and subsequent ones will explore other industries.

FromTheDomeThe Minnesota Legislature is in recess, returning to the Capitol on April 9 for a final sprint until they adjourn on May 21. This is an ideal time to talk with your legislators about the key issues of importance to you and your business before they resume work on your priorities.Following is an update on the key issues that Legislators have been working on and are expected to tackle once back in session.Be sure to stay tuned to this blog for further updates as the Legislative session progresses.

chamber 2Greater Mankato Growth invites you to join a delegation of Greater Mankato Business Leaders on April 18 as we travel to St. Paul to participate in the Minnesota Chamber Business Day at the Capitol. This event brings business leaders from across the state together to collectively advocate for key business issues. With the Legislature considering a major tax reform bill this year, it's critical that our legislators hear from business leaders.Greater Mankato attendees participating in this event will help raise the visibility of our region among state leaders as well as speak directly with legislators about the top issues for your business and our community. The event kicks off at the InterContinental Hotel in St. Paul with a legislative briefing and keynote luncheon then we travel to the Capitol for sessions with key legislative leaders and meetings with our local legislative delegation.REGISTER HERE

I-want-you-small-for-webLike it or not, for good or bad, local government has a big impact on businesses in Greater Mankato and indeed, our overall community. Luckily, we have a strong tradition of well-run, financially-strong, clean local governments that have been a great asset, but this didn’t come by accident. It took dedicated women and men willing to step up and bring their expertise and sound judgment to bear in service to the public. Always remember that it only takes one election to make a mess of the progress we’ve collectively worked so hard to earn in our community. To be clear, this isn’t a statement about those currently in office, rather an argument that our democracy works best when we are engaged and involved in our government. That’s why it is critical that citizens are able to choose from a strong slate of candidates for local office at this November’s election.