Tag: Mankato

How much investment has there been in our City Center?

In the early 2000s, our community began Envision 2020 planning process, a comprehensive planning document spanning across municipal jurisdictions and connecting to the broader region. In 2006, the 400+ stakeholders of Envision 2020 rolled out a set of goals in 6 Key Performance Areas. The

April 2019 Employment Figures

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development released the April 2019 employment figures on Thursday. The Mankato – North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) saw a gain of 501 jobs or 0.9% year-over-year in the month of April. Private sector hourly earning have significantly increased

2019 Mankato Office Vacancy

Greater Mankato Growth recently completed an update to last year’s office/commercial vacancy analysis. The 2018 vacancy analysis was conducted during April, as was this year’s 2019 update. The 2018 vacancy analysis served as the baseline for the update.  The County’s property information system was utilized

Cost Segregation – The Hidden Tax Advantage to Explore

  The following guest blog post was provided by Bob Rothenbuehler. Bob brings over 25 years of purchasing, sales and operational experience to the table.  In addition, he has 20 years of involvement with various financial services functions. Bob identifies a variety of potential savings

The Next Big Tax Thing: Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds

As the buzz surrounding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) begins to fade, one aspect of tax reform is just hitting its stride: Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds (QOZFs). By now, you’ve probably heard a little bit about these newly available investment vehicles and the

Dec. 2018 Employment Figures

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development released the December 2018 employment figures today. The Mankato – North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) saw a gain of 2,379 jobs or 4% year-over-year in the month of December, which led all metropolitan areas in the

Nov 2018 Employment Figures

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development released the November 2018 employment figures today. The Mankato – North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) saw a gain of 1,537 jobs or 2.6% year over year in the month of November, which led all metropolitan areas

Your Election Toolkit

Greater Mankato Growth is your one-stop-shop for all the information you’ll need to exercise your right to vote in the 2018 election. On our Election Toolkit website, you’ll find online candidate profiles, candidate forum videos and details on how and where to vote on November

Watch Now: Mankato City Council Forum

Mankato voters will be asked to select City Council members in Wards 1, 3 and 5 this November 6. To help voters cast an informed ballot, Greater Mankato Growth in partnership with KTV, Mankato’s public access television station, held a forum with the candidates running for City
