Tag: small business

Business Case for Solar

Ian McDonald, greater Hutchinson, MN real estate investor & manager, presents “Business Case for Solar”. He pursued solar to “maximize cash flow & expand real estate portfolio” three years ago. “Solar is like having a 45 year long-term tenant.” McDonald is installing a seventh solar

Small Business Grant Opportunity

To extend a helping hand to small businesses suffering from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is working to provide financial relief through the Save Small Business Fund. The Fund is providing $5,000 in one-time supplemental cash grants for

State Emergency Business Loan Fund Announced

Today Governor Tim Walz issued an executive order (20-15) authorizing The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to create an emergency loan program to help Minnesota small business owners who need immediate assistance to meet their families’ basic needs during COVID-19 closures. This


Visit Mankato 与有影响力的人士合作,将大曼凯托推广为旅游目的地 “口碑”始终对消费者行为产生强大影响,这已不是什么秘密。如果约翰·多伊 (John Doe) 光顾一家企业,并且狼吞虎咽地吃掉了 #WorldsBestPizza,那么社交媒体就是

Tax Bill Provisions Benefitting Small Business

This week the U.S. Senate and House Passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, sending it to President Trump for his signature. This is the most significant federal tax legislation passed in more than three decades and will have sweeping impacts on businesses and individuals

Are You Too Busy for Business?

Ever heard the saying, “If you need something done, give it to a busy person.”? While that may work for errands, many business owners are finding they’re too busy for business anymore. Small business has changed a lot over the past decade and the demands
