Start the Journey to Excellence: Attend a Special “Baldrige 101” Workshop November 1

The need to improve your organization’s performance has perhaps never been greater: customers expect more, competent workers are scarce, and competition is intensifying in nearly all sectors and industries.  But – with the complexity of organizations – where does one start?  How do you know on which processes to focus?  And how to do you sustain the improvement over time?

The Performance Excellence Network, a partner of Greater Mankato Growth, is pleased to announce a powerful full-day workshop: The Principles of Performance Excellence: Baldrige 101, November 1 in Mankato. The workshop will be hosted by Mankato Public Schools, ISD 77.

The Baldrige Framework provides a systems perspective for facilitating continuous improvement and advancing performance excellence – it focuses on best practices that improve:

  • leadership effectiveness,
  • strategic planning,
  • customer service & engagement,
  • use of measures and data,
  • workforce engagement & capability, and
  • operations performance.

And it drives results.  The expected ROI in using Baldrige has been demonstrated to be about 820 to 1!  And it:

  • Enhances organizational learning and prioritization of key strengths and improvement opportunities, upon which plans can be created;
  • Facilitates the improvement, alignment, and integration of overall organizational effectiveness and capabilities;
  • Assists in the delivery of ever-improving value to an organization’s customers and stakeholders;
  • Facilitates organizational and personal learning;
  • Monitors progress over time.

“Most people have a misconception about Baldrige,” says Brian Lassiter, president/CEO of the Performance Excellence Network.  “They view it as a beauty contest that’s only about an Award.  Or they see it as dated, in competition with other improvement tools, or only for businesses.  All of those are false.  Baldrige reflects the leading edge of validated management practice.  The Framework is changed every two years by studying high performing organizations, discovering what they do to achieve that high performance, and then incorporating those practices into future years’ revisions.  As such, Baldrige has become an evidence-based diagnostic system against which any organization can measure itself to identify and prioritize improvement opportunities and focus on the ‘right things’ that improve results.”

This workshop will walk through the Baldrige Framework; will provide examples of tools and approaches that align with Baldrige; will “connect the dots” by showing how other improvement tools complement Baldrige; and will explore best practices from other organizations on the journey to excellence.

Come to learn how the Framework can help improve financial performance, customer satisfaction, workforce engagement, productivity and efficiency, and overall organizational performance.  Used by large and small organizations, this Framework is being used by thousands of organizations across the U.S. – businesses, healthcare systems, educational institutions, nonprofits, and governmental agencies.  Explore how it can help yours achieve and sustain excellence!

Greater Mankato Growth members eligible for member discount!  For more information or to register, visit here.

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