
Greater Mankato Advocacy
¿Qué es la defensa?

Greater Mankato Growth serves as the voice of the business community, working tirelessly to advocate for our members and raise the visibility of our regional marketplace among policymakers. We are one of the largest chambers of commerce in state of Minnesota, representing nearly 1,000 members. Our advocacy efforts are highly regarded throughout the state among lawmakers, business, nonprofits, and other industry trade groups. Advocacy and public policy are different than politics. Rather, we work on behalf of our members to influence legislation, regulations, and policies at all levels of government to help promote the vitality of our region. 

Importancia para los miembros
Una de nuestras áreas estratégicas de enfoque es la defensa del mercado. Creemos que nuestro trabajo de promoción es fundamental para nuestros miembros y es uno de los mejores beneficios de ser miembro de una cámara. Nuestros funcionarios electos tienen el poder de tomar decisiones sobre temas críticos que afectan el éxito de nuestros miembros y la vitalidad de nuestro mercado regional. Greater Mankato Growth trabaja para influir y crear conciencia entre sus miembros, la comunidad y los funcionarios electos sobre cuestiones de política pública que afectan a la región de Greater Mankato. GMG se asegura de que los miembros se mantengan actualizados sobre asuntos clave de política pública y puedan tener aportes e impacto en esa política.

2024 Policy Priorities

Desarrollo de la fuerza laboral

Employers need an adequate and highly skilled workforce in order to succeed. Investments in educating and training the next generation workforce are key to our future success. Flexibility should be maintained for employers to determine comprehensive benefits packages that meet the unique needs of their workplace without a one-size-fits-all approach. Reforms should be made to our federal immigration system so that employers can meet their workforce needs in a timely manner for both permanent and temporary workers.

Competitividad Fiscal

High taxes and state government spending continue to be key concerns for businesses of all sizes in the greater Mankato region, especially small businesses. High tax rates stifle economic growth and limits Minnesota’s full economic potential. Work must be done at all levels of government to relieve this tax burden that deters entrepreneurship, business growth, workforce development, and capital investment.

Cuidado de la salud

Access to high-quality, affordable healthcare should not be dependent on where someone lives. Greater Minnesota residents face additional barriers and increased costs that impact their health outcomes. Minnesota should work to reduce barriers, increase cost and reimbursement transparency, encourage competition, support increased access to telehealth, and maintain stability in the individual marketplace through reinsurance.

cuidado de niños

“Childcare is the business that lets other businesses be in business.” Access to affordable childcare is a major barrier to filling our economy’s workforce needs. Families throughout Minnesota rely heavily on childcare as a key factor to participating in the workplace. Investments are urgently needed to increase the number of available slots, promote childcare as a sustainable business, remove barriers for new providers, update regulations, and ensure a high-level of safety and accountability.


Excessive regulation constrains economic growth of our state. We support reforms to streamline inefficient regulations and the adoption of the least restrictive regulations necessary to keep workers, consumers, and our environment safe and healthy. Minnesota businesses should have the freedom to meet with unique needs of their workplace to address changing economic conditions.

Capital Investments

Las inversiones en nuestra infraestructura crítica y servicios comunitarios son fundamentales para la vitalidad económica de la gran región de Mankato.                                                                    

Proyectos de inversión de capital apoyados

  • City of North Mankato – Caswell Regional Sporting Complex Phase 2: $12,750,000
  • City of Mankato – Riverfront Park: $1,800,000
  • City of Eagle Lake – Water Treatment: $14,153,000
  • City of Lake Crystal – Recreation Center: $750,000
  • City of St. Peter – Gorman Park: $1,200,000
  • Minnesota State University, Mankato – Armstrong Hall: $86,255,000
  • South Central College – Instructional Lab: $6,189,000
  • Minnesota State Colleges and Universities HEAPR
  • Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota: $12,500,000
  • Minnesota River Trail (Mankato to St. Peter): $5,700,000
Costura verde: $600,000

GreenSeam trabaja para elevar nuestra región en el sur de Minnesota como el epicentro de alimentos y agronegocios de clase mundial con áreas de enfoque de retención y atracción de negocios, desarrollo de talento y conciencia regional. La Legislatura de Minnesota debe continuar apoyando financieramente a GreenSeam. El apoyo continuo y la conciencia de GreenSeam celebrarán la tradición agrícola de Minnesota y nos posicionarán para el éxito en el futuro.


We support the continued investment in critical transportation projects that drive the economic prosperity and cultural enrichment throughout greater Minnesota region, including key arteries like Highway 169 and Highway 14. Additional sources of sustainable and equitable transportation funding should be considered within the context of current tax environment. Any investments in EV infrastructure should include public-private partnerships throughout Greater Minnesota.

Desarrollo economico

Apoyamos los incentivos y otros programas de desarrollo económico que se ofrecen a través del Departamento de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico (DEED) y otras agencias que son un conjunto importante de herramientas para ayudar a las comunidades del área metropolitana de Minnesota a crecer y prosperar.

Terreno común

The success of our state relies on community and political leaders coming together to find common ground on issues that impact the daily lives of residents and businesses. When partisanship gets in the way of progress, everybody loses. We encourage public officials at all levels to work to overcome partisanship in order to pass effective legislation.

Organizaciones asociadas
  • Federación de la Cámara de Comercio de Minnesota
  • Cámara de Comercio de EE.UU.
  • Asociación de la autopista 14
  • Coalición del corredor de la autopista 169
  • Asociación del Gran Minnesota
  • Agrocrecimiento
  • Coalición para el Crecimiento del Turismo de Minnesota
  • Asociación de Oficinas de Convenciones y Visitantes de Minnesota

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