U.S. Congressional District 1

u.s. congressional district 1

All candidate responses appear on this site exactly as they were submitted.


Candidate Biography:

Rachel Bohman grew up in Rochester, Minnesota as the daughter of a single mother. Growing up, her family struggled with poverty and addiction and Rachel worked her way through college and law school to create a better life for herself and her family. After serving as Head of Elections for Hennepin County, she returned to her hometown in Rochester to raise her two daughters. Remaining deeply committed to the well-being of her community, Rachel was elected to the Rochester Township Board and then served as an Assistant County Attorney. Rachel is running for Congress to advocate, support and bring results back for all Southern Minnesotans.

Candidate Questionnaire:

1. Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
I ask voters to elect me because it’s time for change in our district. This Republican-led Congress is not working and the current CD1 Representative is ranked as its least effective member. That terrible record means the important work of our district is not getting done. It means the needs of our families, farmers, teachers, and small businesses are not getting met.

As your Congresswoman, I plan to get things done for the people of Southern Minnesota!

Traveling around the district I’ve heard from so many people who feel forgotten. Whole communities worried about healthcare access. Families struggling to find affordable housing and childcare. Small businesses who need support to grow and thrive. Seniors who fear Republican proposals to change Social Security and Medicare. And farmers wondering about the Farm Bill delays.

I’ve talked with countless women who just want the government to stay out of their personal medical decisions.

Unlike my opponent, I’ve been listening. I pledge to be a Representative that shows up for your community and gives you direct answers, even if the answers are not what you want to hear. I believe that you deserve a Representative who listens to all in our district, not just a select few.

If elected, I will absolutely vote to reinstate national reproductive rights so families can make their own personal health decisions without the government interfering. I will advocate for affordable healthcare, quality education, and policies that protect our agricultural industry.

Unlike my opponent, I believe in expanding opportunities for everyone, not just those at the top. Finstad’s votes to cut critical programs, including healthcare, education, and infrastructure show he is not working for our district.

Southern Minnesota needs leadership that is forward-thinking and responsive. I’m committed to building a future that works for everyone.

2. What would you say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
I’ve been listening to people all across our district and the key issues that keep coming up are economic security; healthcare access and affordability; support for farmers and small businesses; and Republican attacks on our democracy and personal freedoms.

First and foremost, the economy is a major concern for Southern Minnesota. We’ve already seen recent improvements thanks to Democrat policies. Inflation is going down; unemployment is low; and domestic manufacturing is strong. We still have work to do such as expanding access to affordable healthcare, lowering prescription drug prices, and protecting Medicare and Social Security from the cuts Finstad supports. I will also work to lower the costs of childcare, housing, and education so families can get ahead.

An improved economy also helps farmers but we must do more to support them. The yearlong Republican delay in getting the Farm Bill passed has left our family farmers in limbo and that’s unacceptable. Farmers know that you can’t just put off getting the hard work done! As your Representative, I will do the work to pass a Farm Bill that continues to support our farmers as they face fluctuating markets, supply chain disruptions, consolidation, and climate change. I believe the Farm Bill should also continue to support the nutrition needs of children and families and I will not vote for cuts to these key programs.

Secondly, the people of our district have real and valid concerns about Republican plans to restrict our personal freedoms. I trust the people of our district to make their own decisions on who they love, how they worship, and how they grow their families. As your Congresswoman, I will vote to reinstate national reproductive rights so families can make their own personal health decisions. I will protect LGBTQIA+ rights, voting rights, civil liberties, and our democracy.

3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
I believe a Congresswoman’s role is to advocate for those in our district. As the Representative for the First District, I will use my seat at the table to fight for our working families, small businesses, and farmers, focusing on economic fairness and community investment. We’ve already seen how my opponent uses his seat to prioritize corporate interests, backing policies that benefit wealthy and large corporations at the expense of Southern Minnesota’s community businesses.

Economic development in our region hinges on ensuring that all businesses—from small-town shops to family farms—have the tools they need to thrive. Here’s what I will do specifically to make that happen:

Continue Infrastructure Investments: We have already seen progress through the Democrat’s focus on Southern Minnesota’s infrastructure. We need to continue this investment in modernizing our roads, bridges, and broadband internet access.

Support Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs: I will push for policies aimed specifically at local entrepreneurs and small businesses so they can better compete with large corporations. I will support legislation that simplifies the tax code for small business owners and offers affordable healthcare options. I will also support efforts to expand tourism.

Strengthen Agriculture: I will advocate for strong federal support for family farms, including fair trade policies, subsidies for sustainable farming practices, protection for livestock farmers, and relief for farmers affected by natural disasters. Additionally, I will push for programs that help young farmers access the resources and capital they need to get started.

Workforce Development: I will support the creation of job training and apprenticeship programs that prepare workers for high-demand industries like renewable energy, technology, skilled trades, and healthcare.

Expanding Healthcare Access: Access to affordable healthcare is a critical component of economic stability for both businesses and individuals. I will fight to lower healthcare costs and expand coverage.

4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
I have served in multiple public offices including: Hennepin County Recorder; Hennepin County Elections Manager; Rochester Township Board member, and Assistant County Attorney. These all required direct experience managing and overseeing complex budgets. In these roles, I was responsible for ensuring that taxpayer dollars were used effectively and efficiently, and I had to balance limited resources with high public expectations. Whether overseeing election funding or allocating resources for community needs, I’ve had to make tough choices to balance competing priorities while ensuring the best outcomes for the community.

When presented with a budget, my approach is data-driven and detail-oriented. My process would include first evaluating the long-term impact and public good of each expenditure. Then I would examine where we can streamline operations or eliminate wasteful spending. I will review every budget and spending plan through the lens of what is best for Southern Minnesota’s working families, farmers, and small businesses.

I believe that one key improvement I would recommend to increase fiscal responsibility is to implement more robust oversight and transparency measures. Too often, taxpayer dollars are funneled into unnecessary projects or corporate subsidies that benefit the few at the expense of the many. By creating more transparent reporting mechanisms, we can ensure that taxpayers know exactly where their money is going. Additionally, I would advocate for eliminating corporate tax loopholes and ensuring that our tax system is fair, so we’re not burdening middle-class families while letting large corporations off the hook.

My experience with budgets at the county and township levels gives me a clear understanding of how to manage public resources responsibly, and I will bring that same dedication to ensuring fiscal responsibility in Congress.

5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?
Through my years of public service, I have firsthand experience working across diverse political perspectives to find common ground and get things done. I understand that compromise and consensus are critical for real progress, especially in a polarized political environment.

My approach to working with other elected officials will be rooted in mutual respect, transparency, and a focus on shared goals. I believe the role of a Representative is to build bridges, not walls. Unlike my opponent who consistently votes the party line even when it’s against our best interests. This is plainly evident in his votes for government shutdowns and the overdue Farm Bill.

As your Congresswoman, I pledge to be accessible and to listen to how federal changes might impact our community stakeholders. I will actively seek out conversations with colleagues from all sides, identifying areas where we can agree and focusing on what’s best for Southern Minnesota.

Improving infrastructure, supporting farmers, and ensuring affordable healthcare are issues that transcend party lines. I will push for bipartisan solutions that address these challenges head-on, while advocating for policies that uplift working families and small businesses in the First District. By looking for shared values, we can move past partisan gridlock and deliver results for our communities.

Compromise doesn’t mean abandoning our core values. It means finding pathways forward that respect different viewpoints while encouraging progress. I will be open to listening and understanding the perspectives of others, but will also stand firm on issues that protect the most vulnerable members of our society, such as affordable healthcare and fair wages.

We’re at a crossroads with how our government functions. These last two years have shown us that a divided Congress cannot get work done for the American people. We must return to effective government focused on the public need.


Candidate Biography:

Congressman Brad Finstad was elected to Congress in a special election on August 9, 2022, and was sworn in three days later with his family by his side as he took the Oath of Office to proudly represent Minnesota’s First District.

Brad is a fourth-generation farmer and resident of the New Ulm area. He and his wife, Jackie, met on the school bus in second grade and they are now the proud parents of seven children. A graduate of the University of Minnesota with a degree in Agriculture Education and an emphasis in Rural Leadership Development, Brad and Jackie now operate an agriculture business in New Ulm while working alongside extended family to run their generational family farm.

Brad is proud to have served as State Director for USDA Rural Development in Minnesota where he worked to support infrastructure improvements, business development, homeownership, community services such as schools, public safety, health care, and high-speed internet access in rural areas. He previously served three terms in the Minnesota Legislature. He also held executive positions with the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Center for Rural Policy and Development.


Candidate Questionnaire:

1. Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
I am running for reelection to Congress because I believe we are called to leave this world better than we found it. I refuse to be part of the generation that doesn’t work day in and day out to leave a better America for my children than what we were given. We are facing many issues as a country, and I am driven to work for our southern Minnesota community.

2. What would you say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
There is plenty of work for us to do and a lot that needs to be updated to best serve our ever growing nation. Fixing our workforce issues, getting a new Farm Bill passed, and protecting our nation from threats around the world are on my list of priorities. I will continue to have conversations on issues big or small in every corner of the district to best reflect our friends and neighbors in Washington.

3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
Listening to you all is my top priority. Hearing how government can intervene, or in many cases, not intervene is important to me. As a small business owner myself, I know firsthand that we are the ones who come together to make our community what it is. We don’t always need different levels of government to come in and muddy the waters. Gaining critical insight into the business landscape from stakeholders like you helps me best represent our district. I have appreciated the collaboration with GMG in my time in Congress.

4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
As a small business owner, I have plenty of experience with complex budgets. Our company has around 45 employees and deals with many different vendors. If our budget isn’t on point, we are in trouble. I will rely on the connections I have made through our campaign and community service to listen to experts in different fields to ensure that our money is going to be used as appropriately and efficiently as possible. In my view, fiscal transparency through conversations with everyday Americans would cut down on many unnecessary costs. Government should take as little as possible to meet the basic needs of its citizens. In almost every way, the rest of society would be best served with the private sector handling issues rather than the government.

5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?

My goal is Heaven, not Congress. I am honored to sit in your seat in Congress. This seat doesn’t belong to a politician or a party, it belongs to you. My voting record and continued advocacy for this regions’ views on a national stage are what I offer as a candidate. Our region is known around the country for our “get it done” attitude. It is time to put the “R” and the “D” jersey away and all wear the “USA” jersey. I will continue to work to build and strengthen relationships to best serve southern Minnesota in Congress.

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