Eagle Lake City Council

Eagle Lake City Council

All candidate responses appear on this site exactly as they were submitted.

Candidate Biography – Beth Rohrich:
I was born in Mankato, but raised and still reside in Eagle Lake. At a very young age I was working part time for my dad at his business (Quality 1 Hr Foto / SPX Sports) while going to school. After graduating from Mankato East High School I attended College at Minnesota State University, Mankato for Business Management. Eagerly wanting to get into the workforce and help my dad in his business I went to work full time. I went from a customer service representative to running the day to day operations for our small family owned business, which was awarded the Visit Mankato Hospitality Award in 2008 and Greater Mankato Growth Business Hall of Fame Recipient in 2020. I have two kids (10 and 7) that go to Eagle Lake Elementary and a springer spaniel dog. I have prided myself on being very active in both Mankato and Eagle Lake Communities by serving on several boards, committees and councils. I have been on the Visit Mankato Board of Directors since 2018, the Eagle Lake Parks and Recreation Board since 2018 and Eagle Lake City Council since 2021. As a City Council Member I serve on the ISD77 Community Ed and Rec Advisory Council, the Eagle Lake Personnel Committee and the Rural Child Care Innovation Program. In addition to that I volunteer a significant amount of my time at many community events and fundraisers. In March 2019 I was awarded the Visit Mankato Volunteer of the Year. Contributing my time and resources to help other people’s dreams become a reality and provide everyone with memories to last a lifetime is a value I feel strongly about and why I do and will continue to do what I do everyday.


Candidate Questionnaire:

1.Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
Being an Eagle Lake Resident my entire life I have lived through all the growth and changes that Eagle Lake has gone through. Looking back at it now I am so appreciative of all the time, effort and selflessness of those individuals on various Committees, Boards and City Council put into shaping Eagle Lake into the community that it has become. I would cherish the opportunity to continue the efforts of those individuals as well as the efforts I have put forth over the past 4 years on City Council to continue helping Eagle Lake be a community that people are proud to call home and want to live, raise a family and retire in. A community that’s built on the hard work, dedication and collaboration of all its residents and business members.


2. What would say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
Water quality, infrastructure and livability are the key issues in my opinion.

In addition to the local advocacy efforts I put forth, I went to the State Capital in March 2024 for City Day on the Hill to help advocate for our need of funding for a water treatment facility, amongst other items. I will continue my part in those advocacy efforts at the local, regional and state level. It’s a very slow process but a process that cannot be given up on or forgotten about. Consistent planning and pressure at all levels is key to keeping that Water Treatment Facility moving forward.

For the City infrastructure we need to be proactive in the planning of it. We (the current council) have already started the steps to the necessary updates, specifically to our street and utilities, but we need to continue to expand on that. That plan will be critical at budget time to make informed decisions on which streets get repaired or replaced.

Livability in Eagle Lake is incredibly important. Yes we need clean water and working utilities. But we also need a sense of community and belonging. Continuing the efforts already put forth to have community events, youth to adult recreation, amazing parks and walking trails in addition to a community where we are safe to live, play and work is a major priority of mine. I have shown this as a priority over my 6 years serving on the Parks and Recreation board as well as 4 years on City Council by fundraising and adding a new park (Eagle Heights Park), adding additional playground equipment at the city park, helping start and plan a community winter event, helping plan and fundraise for the rebuild of the pavilion at the city park, assist in all the behind the scenes work to get the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Department to take over our public safety, adding security cameras at the park and city hall and continue the efforts such as updating and increasing the lighting at the city park, continuing community events and advocating for the massive need for child care (just to name a few).


3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
It is the City Councils role, along with the Economic Development Authority (EDA), to not only continue to support the local businesses we currently have but also explore additional opportunities for businesses of all sizes. I feel a key component to the business vitality is showing our local businesses that we, the residents and the City Council supports and appreciates them. If those businesses do not feel supported they can choose to do business elsewhere. I would see to it that the City of Eagle Lake Administration continues to support businesses through the City website, social media and newsletters. In addition to that I would like to see Eagle Lake EDA and City Council be more active in exploring options for additional economic development within the City that would best serve the residents and visitors. Let’s get creative and think outside the box on a business or resource that will set Eagle Lake apart from neighboring communities. Something that our own residents will frequent often and be proud to have but those from outside the community will also want to come to Eagle Lake for. Another reason to make current residents not want to leave and those from outside the community to want to move to Eagle Lake to be part of. I also love the growth and various living options that we have from single to multi-family housing. However, we cannot lose track of the small bedroom community we are and need to slow down on new developments that want to come in and bring additional high density multi-family living instead of single family houses. Affordable single family homes are in need and although some things are outside of our control, I would like to explore options that may be in our control to provide more affordable single family homes.


4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
Being a current City Council Member I have been through the City budgets for several years. I also handle the budgets within my family business as well as on the boards I serve on (Visit Mankato and ISD77 Community Ed and Recreation) so I have a wide range of budgets that I have been involved in. Reviewing them monthly is a necessity. Listening to presentations from Administrators and Departments Leads on their wants and needs followed up with time for questions has been key for me to make good informed decisions. Requiring multiple bids whenever possible is a must. Understanding that prices continue to rise year after year, sometimes dramatically, so being proactive whenever possible instead of reactive. In my opinion, the current City Council has had to make some unexpected reactive decisions in the past but we have acknowledged that and have been working diligently to be more proactive on situations or needs. Unfortunately I feel that the City fell behind in several areas, such as employee wages, equipment that needed to be updated, fixed or replaced and buildings that were/are in need of updates or repairs. We (the current council) had to make some hard decisions over the past 3 years to gradually increase budgets to play catchup in certain areas and also requests that have to be put on hold a little longer. Decisions that we did not want to have to make but were critical to make to keep the business of the city running smoothly. With the City on a positive path forward it’s important to hold the departments accountable for their requests of wants vs needs and continue to get all the necessary information to make good informed decisions.


5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?
It has been an honor and privilege to work alongside the four other elected officials this past term. The five of us come from varied backgrounds and have not always agreed on things, but that has been the beauty of it. Through all discussions we have shown each the respect one deserves to voice one’s concerns or opinions, popular or not, without feeling belittled or undervalued. I will strive to continue that respect whether it’s during a City Council Meeting, board meetings or impromptu conversations with residents. We all deserve to have our voices heard, and heard in a respectful manner. As my dad would say, “it’s ok to agree to disagree, it’s what you do after it that really counts.” That is something that I remind myself every time conversations come up that are not agreed upon. We all have different ideas and viewpoints of how things should be and we do not need to agree with one another. However, following a vote or a decision being made I will support that decision and do my part necessary to contribute to provide the best outcome for every situation. I try my best to live every day by the Golden Rule and will remind others to do the same. Let’s all treat each other how we want to be treated.


Candidate Biography:
Hello, I am a father of two and have been married to a wonderful woman for over 5 years. I’ve lived in Eagle Lake now for over three years and greatly appreciate the community I now call home. Previously I lived in Bloomington, IN where I graduated Indiana University with a Bachelor of Science, honorably served in the US Army with a tour in Afghanistan, and worked as a police officer for over thirteen years. Currently, I work as a sheriff’s deputy for the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office and primarily patrol and serve Eagle Lake.


Candidate Questionnaire:

1. Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
For over twenty-one years, I have been dedicated to making the communities I live in better for everyone. As a hopeful member of the Eagle Lake City Council, I am committed to serving my community with integrity while working to guide the city in a way that keeps Eagle Lake a wonderful place to live.


2. What would you say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
A key issue for me is balancing the closeness and peacefulness of Eagle Lake while ensuring we grow responsibly as a city. Keeping our families safe as our city expands is critically important to me. I’m dedicated to ensuring our first responders are well-prepared and equipped to handle any emergencies that arise. I also want to be a strong advocate for the people of Eagle Lake on any issues I may not yet be aware of. I’m approachable and open to discussing resident’s main concerns and exploring potential solutions together.


3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
We should always consider new growth in our city as a potential way to improve the community. A city council that dismisses any form of new development would lead us down a path of stagnation. However, decisions regarding new developments should be made with thoughtfulness and careful consideration of the community’s wants and needs. The people who live here already enjoy some great local businesses, and I will do what I can to help them thrive. At the same time, I want to ensure that Eagle Lake remains a welcoming place for new developments that can bring positive benefits to everyone in the community.


4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
Our income compared with our expenses is something we are all concerned about every day, and we must be smart in how we spend our money. In my effort to keep our city financially stable, I will ensure each part of the budget is necessary, worth the expenditure, and benefits the people of Eagle Lake. To do this, I’ll make sure to stay well-informed about the city budget so I can actively engage in the budget process.


5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?
Having spent sixteen years in law enforcement has equipped me with the skills to navigate conflicts and identify the best paths forward. While some decisions have clear right and wrong answers, many are more complex and fall into gray areas. These situations require effective communication, a solid understanding of the issues, and the ability to appreciate different perspectives, even if you don’t agree. I may not have all the answers, but my experience working with diverse groups of people on a near-daily basis has prepared me to collaborate and find positive solutions to complex problems.


Candidate Biography:

My name is Anthony White a current resident of Eagle Lake. I am from the town of Prior Lake and then came down to Mankato for schooling at MSU. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. During school I met my now wife Lexi who has lived in Eagle Lake since 1999 and now has taught 4th grade at ELE for 10 years.. We now have lived in Eagle Lake together since 2016 and have 3 beautiful children ages 6,4,and 11 months. I am currently in year 9 of selling real estate with JBeal Real Estate Group and love it.


Candidate Questionnaire:

1. Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
I love the town of Eagle Lake and want to serve in any way I can to continue the growth and potential we have as a city. I have a vested interest in Eagle Lake as I am raising a family and also have other family members/friends that live in our town. I want to be the voice for those who can’t serve to make a positive difference.

2. What would you say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
The most complaints/questions we get at the city is the quality of our water. Over the last four years that I have been on the council we have tried to figure out ways to fund our own water treatment plant to upgrade our water grid. This is not a small task but we as a council know how important this is to most if not all residents.


3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
As we sit now our city is in a very good spot financially. We still have room to grow within our commercial spaces which I feel is very important moving forward. To me the key is to grow but still keep the small town feel we currently have.

4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
What I have learned over the years is to focus on each individual department when reviewing a budget rather than trying to read hundreds of pages at once. Getting a grasp on the needs rather than the wants of each department I have found to be helpful as well. The ability to eliminate fluff in a budget has been the focus of the council the last four years I have been on and I feel it is important to keep that mindset moving forward.

5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?
The past four years have been a huge learning curve as it being my first term, but I think common ground and willingness to work together is something that needs to happen and has happened during my time on council. We don’t always need to agree on everything but we always need to have the respect for one another not only as council members but most importantly to the people of Eagle Lake.

Candidate Biography:

My wife and I have been long-time residents of this wonderful community and have had the privilege of raising our three children here, all of whom attended Eagle Lake Elementary and graduated from Mankato East. I’ve served as President of Mankato East Booster Club, Mankato Basketball Association Tournament Director, coached youth soccer and basketball, and was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader in Eagle Lake. We are deeply committed to the future of Eagle Lake and its continued growth and prosperity.
I have a background in health care information technology. As a former key member of the senior management team of an organization which worked with the Minnesota Department of Health, I have a solid understanding of Minnesota’s statutes, consent, and compliance topics, having worked with state and federal regulators. I am currently a self-employed CIO.

Candidate Questionnaire:

1. Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
I was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Eagle Lake City Council in 2021 and was re-elected by its citizens to my current term. I’ve served on the EDA board for many years and continue to do so as a council member. As a member of the personnel committee, I am responsible for ensuring the City has the appropriate staff and benefits.
I’ve witnessed the growth of our community over the last 20 years and am invested in its betterment. Some accomplishments include working as part the group which signed the current contract with the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office and participating in lobbying efforts at the State Capitol, advocating for funding for the water treatment facility.

I am confident my experience on the Council will enable me to seamlessly transition to the role of Mayor and look forward to continue serving my community.

2. What would you say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
Water Treatment Plant – Clean water is a priority. We have tirelessly lobbied, and will continue to work with our local, state and federal government representatives to seek funding for this important project.

Highway 14 corridor – Safe access to and from our community is also a priority. I want to ensure that Eagle Lake is represented on the MNDOT coalition that will be studying and making the decisions on possible changes to Highway 14.

3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
I am a strong advocate for growth and business development in Eagle Lake. Our community thrives when local businesses succeed, and I am dedicated to creating an environment that supports and encourages entrepreneurship. By fostering economic development, we can ensure that Eagle Lake remains a vibrant and prosperous place for all residents.

4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
I have been part of the council since 2021, working through the city budget each year. I also have been in leadership positions throughout my career that have required me to create and manage budgets of several million dollars.

While it’s important to be fiscally responsible with any budget, it is especially so when dealing with public money. Having experience managing public budgets in a prior leadership role, I am well positioned to ensure that tax dollars are allocated and spent appropriately.

5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?
I am honored to work with the current council and city staff, as well as state and local elected officials. Everyone is treated with respect and opinions are valued. We’ve had difficult discussions within the council, at committee meetings, and with citizens. We all have differing viewpoints, but that is what makes us strong as a council. We are serving to make the best decisions possible for the community, and while we may not always agree, we support the decisions that are made.


Candidate Biography:

Throughout Garrett’s life, he has lived and worked across southern Minnesota. He grew up in Truman, attended college at Winona State where he studied marketing and sales, led the expansion of a medical supply business in Rochester, supported economic and business development in Mankato and now works with Kivu Immigration Law to support individuals, families and businesses across the region, state, and throughout the country.

Garrett brings a renewed perspective from different communities, businesses, and industries about how to strategically make things happen with partners that include non-profits, private industry, and governments.

Garrett and his wife Sarah moved to Eagle Lake in November 2022 and are expecting their first child in April, 2025.


Candidate Questionnaire:

1. Why should voters elect you to serve the position you seek?
I bring a fresh perspective with the energy and focus needed to make Eagle Lake the premier, livable, residential community and ‘small town’ outside of Mankato. To ensure future livability, we need forward thinking leadership willing to engage with and advocate for all citizens and stakeholders of Eagle Lake.

2. What would you say are the key issues facing the city/district/county/state you seek to represent and how would you impact them from this elected position?
In addition to pressing concerns like clean water, access to childcare, affordable housing, and improving Highway 14 safety, I believe one of the major challenges for Eagle Lake’s administration and Council is the financial burden placed on taxpayers due to a reactive approach. By shifting to a proactive strategy, we can gain the time necessary to advocate, apply for grants, lobby, and collaborate with key partners to develop well-planned and successful projects. It’s crucial for Eagle Lake to be prepared to seize opportunities that will benefit the community and reduce future costs.

3. In your view, what is the role of the body/office you seek in supporting business vitality and economic development?
The City Council, in collaboration with the Economic Development Authority (EDA) and the Regional Economic Development Alliance (REDA), plays a crucial role in fostering business growth and driving economic development. As Eagle Lake serves as a ‘bedroom community’ in the region, the Council must focus on initiatives that enhance livability – such as affordable housing, accessible childcare, and community amenities to retain and attract new residents and future businesses.

The Council should support these efforts by streamlining processes, reducing costs, and minimizing regulatory burdens to allow businesses to thrive and positively impact our community.

4. The effective and efficient use of public tax dollars is a key component to serving in public office. What experience do you have dealing with complex budgets? When presented with a budget that will often be several hundred pages in length, what will be your process to determine if it is a good budget? What improvements would you recommend to improve the fiscal responsibility for the body/office you would represent if elected?
As a self-proclaimed ‘budget nerd,’ I enjoy analyzing and working with budgets. I have experience in both business and non-profit sectors, and I believe it’s essential to review and understand the budget consistently throughout the year – not just at budget meetings.

A strong budget should be balanced, transparent, and easily explainable to anyone with questions. To improve fiscal responsibility while addressing both departmental and community needs, I would recommend that all significant expenditures be accompanied by a simple cost-benefit analysis and comparable data. This would provide the Council with the information needed to make well-informed, positive decisions.

5. Compromise and consensus are a crucial part of bringing conflicting views/positions together to get decisions made in a democracy. How will you go about working with other elected officials of varied political backgrounds to build the consensus necessary to govern for the benefit of citizens?
It takes respect, patience, communication, and collaboration to find common ground and consensus. I believe that we can all learn from the perspective of others to benefit the new and existing residents of Eagle Lake.



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