Categoría: Business Development

Informe del segundo trimestre de GMG

Todo nuestro equipo en Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. trabaja todos los días para aportar valor a nuestros miembros e impulsar una mayor vitalidad en la región de Greater Mankato. Para asegurarnos de que estamos actualizando de manera efectiva a nuestros socios y a la comunidad sobre nuestro trabajo, renovamos nuestro informe anual.

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Your Personal MBA Event

Our partners at the Southern Minnesota Area Human Resource Association (SMAHRA) are hosting an event titled Your Personal MBA: Understanding Business Functions & Business Acumen Part 1 and are opening the event to GMG members to attend. You can view the event flyer below for additional details.

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Four Reasons to Switch to a Proactive Recruiting Process

The following article was submitted by Lori Creighton from Greater Mankato Growth member business, Homestead Media. She writes about the benefits of using a proactive recruiting process instead of a reactive one.Are you part of a Greater Mankato member business and have an interest in

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Modernizing Employee Benefits

The business world continues to evolve and modernize at a rapid pace. One area this is evident in is a company’s benefits for their employees. Most people expect the usual allowance of vacation time and some health insurance for example. But companies these days are

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One Certain Truth in the Importance of Background Screening

The following article was submitted by Jody Steffen, Account Representative at GMG member business, Hire Image. She writes about the importance of background screening in the hiring process. Are you part of a Greater Mankato member business and have an interest in writing a guest

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2019 Mankato Job Fair

Looking for a job? Need to make a new hire? In partnership with CareerForce (formerly the Mankato Workforce Center), JobsHQ is putting on the 2019 Mankato Job Fair on September 12, 2019 from 11:00am – 2:00pm at the Mankato Armory.

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Green Energy Program for Greater Mankato Businesses

The following article was submitted by Rob Friend of Energy Smart which is part of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, a GMG member. He writes about how to reduce energy usage within your business and the benefits of doing so. Are you part of a

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GMG Q1 Report

Our entire team at Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. works each day to bring value to our members and drive increased vitality to the Greater Mankato region. To ensure that we’re effectively updating our partners and the community on our work, we recently revamped our annual

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