Have You Seen Our Sales Tax PSA Video?

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As you may already know, a referendum that would extend the current half-percent local sales tax in Mankato and North Mankato will be on this year’s General Election ballot, Tuesday November 8th. This proposed sales tax extension would provide funding for gaps in critical infrastructure in both cities like flood control and transportation as well as recreation facilities, senior amenities and supportive housing. To be clear, this is not a new tax. This would be an extension of the same sales tax the City of Mankato has collected since 1991 and North Mankato since 2008. Greater Mankato Growth is committed to ensuring that voters have the information they need to cast an informed ballot on this referendum. That’s why we’ve launched Growing a Greater Mankato. Please take a moment to watch the short PSA video in this post and check out the Growing a Greater Mankato sitio web. At this website, you can view a summary of the sales tax extension, review the ballot language for each city, and find answers to frequently asked questions. I invite you to take a moment to review this important information so that you can cast your vote in November.

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