What’s your Greater Mankato story?

When you think of your home, what comes to mind? Your house, neighborhood, family and friends? What about your experiences or your place of employment? Chances are what makes your home is more than just a building.

Whether you are a lifetime Greater Mankato resident or have chosen to move here, there are probably a few things that swayed your decision. Was it for a career? Was it for schooling or a loved one? When people make a decision to either stay put or move several factors go into their final decision, it’s usually not only for their dream job (yes, that is important as well).

Once one starts looking at possibly relocating there are many questions to think about other than just landing that perfect job. For example, many people put in countless hours of research on schools, health care, recreation, parks, volunteer opportunities as well as the arts and culture scene. They ask themselves, is this a community I will feel at home in? Is it somewhere I will enjoy life outside of work or school? Moving or choosing to stay in a community is no easy decision, it comes with lists of pros and cons and ultimately a choice is made that suits each individuals long term goals best.

Greater Mankato residents and visitors should consider sharing their story. They make this place what it is, they make it different than any other community. From their welcoming persona to their work ethic, they are open and willing to engage in the community, to make it a better place. We are certainly not a perfect community but that’s what makes us thrive and remain open to improving all the time. There are many great awards and accolades popping up for us all the time but you know what? Greater Mankato gets these recognitions because we allow engagement and feedback, we tend to embrace ideas and move the bar forward, and we all do it together.

As residents, our everyday experience is certainly extraordinary to someone who has never been here. We don’t always recognize this, it can be really hard to pinpoint, understand or communicate for us. Isn’t that the Minnesotan way in which we were raised? Be humble and not to boisterous. But today, Greater Mankato knows itself better than it has in the past. The people of the community and visitors to Greater Mankato repeatedly hark accolades of this community and their experience here.

We could go on for days about what it’s like to live, work and play in Greater Mankato. But nothing tells the story better than each of your photos and stories about your experiences and favorite places here. You all have the ability to tell the Greater Mankato story. Share yours today on social media using the hashtag #liveworkplaymankato.

(as published in the November 2015 issue of Minnesota Valley Business Journal, written by Amy Linde, Director of Marketing & Communications at Greater Mankato Growth)

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