Soo iibso Maxali ah: Maaskarada wajiga iyo PPE kale

Dhawaan Kobaca Mankato ee Weyn ayaa 66,000 waji-xidho ka qaybiyay Degmooyinka Blue Earth iyo Nicollet iyadoo laga jawaabayo amarka gobolka oo dhan. Ujeedadu waxay ahayd in laga caawiyo ganacsiyada soo dhawaynta macaamiisha, ilaalinta shaqaalaha, iyo ka caawinta hoos u dhigista kharashaadka ganacsiyada aagga. Eeg warka oo dhamaystiran halkan.

If you’re a business owner looking to procure facemasks, consider buying local. Here is a list of Greater Mankato Growth members who are selling face masks and other Personal Protective Equipment. If you are a member of Greater Mankato Growth and would like to be added to the list, please email: [email protected] with the subject line “Member Masks.”

Previously Greater Mankato Growth published a list of businesses who were selling Personal Protective Equipment.
