Qaybta: Business Development

Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Marketplace Update

This article was originally written by Renee Berg with The Mankato Free Press. MANKATO — With two job openings for every available worker, it’s a job seekers paradise, experts say. The unemployment rate locally was hovering near 2% as of November, said Ryan Vesey, business

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Whole Community Approach to Childcare Activation Plan Released

Greater Mankato Growth, in collaboration with our Regional Economic Development Alliance (REDA) partners, undertook an initiative to address childcare challenges in the region. The need to address childcare concerns has been brought often in recent years by Greater Mankato Growth’s member businesses, our public partners,

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Resources for Businesses Impacted by Flooding

Resources are available to businesses in Blue Earth and Nicollet County that were impacted by flooding between June 16 and July 4, 2024. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has loans available to help those who suffered from physical damage or economic losses. Check your eligibility

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
SBA Disaster Assistance for Businesses and Residents of Minnesota

WASHINGTON – Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are available to businesses and residents in Minnesota following the announcement of a Presidential disaster declaration due to severe storms and flooding that occurred June 16 through July 4, 2024. “SBA’s mission-driven team stands ready to help Minnesota small businesses

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Five Reasons Agribusinesses Succeed in Greater Mankato

These five reasons agribusinesses succeed in Greater Mankato make this South Central Minnesota community a regional powerhouse in the agriculture industry. Our region continues to make a name for itself in the global landscape through technological innovation, infrastructure investment, local and regional connectivity, a well-trained

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Massive Expansion Coming at Walmart Distribution Center

Story originally published in The Mankato Free Press. MANKATO — Walmart’s already mammoth distribution center is going to grow nearly one-and-a-half times in size in a construction project about to get underway on Mankato’s east side. An expansion topping 600,000 square feet will add nonrefrigerated

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