Qaybta: Business

Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Insights from National Business Patterns: Retail

Greater Mankato’s economic strength comes from the diversity of industries that are present in the marketplace.  If one industry is ever down, another is usually on the way up.  When Greater Mankato Growth has looked at industry diversification in the past, we have analyzed the

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What’s Happening at the Legislature?

The Minnesota Legislature is in recess, returning to the Capitol on April 9 for a final sprint until they adjourn on May 21. This is an ideal time to talk with your legislators about the key issues of importance to you and your business before they

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MN Chamber Business Day at the Capitol

Greater Mankato Growth invites you to join a delegation of Greater Mankato Business Leaders on April 18 as we travel to St. Paul to participate in the Minnesota Chamber Business Day at the Capitol. This event brings business leaders from across the state together to

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Impact of Business Closure on Wages

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development maintains wage information for a variety of geographies in the state. The most frequently updated and current data set is the Current Employment Statistics (CES). Because of the size of the Mankato-North Mankato Metropolitan area (comprised of

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