Video: Watch an Entrepreneur pitch their Business in Mankato

One million cups dec 2017 Fingerprint WoodworkGreater Mankato Growth serves as a key organizer for the local chapter of One Million Cups.  Every month 50 – 80 attendees pack the Minnesota State University, Mankato Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Old Town Mankato to hear an entrepreneur’s vision.

Based on the notion that entrepreneurs discover solutions and network over a million cups of coffee, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation developed 1 Million Cups in 2012— a free program designed to educate, engage and connect entrepreneurs with their communities. 1 Million Cups is now in more than 160 communities across the country.

Since the launch of the Mankato chapter of One Million Cups in November 2017, 10 entrepreneurs have done a 6-minute pitch followed by a 20 minute Q&A in a room full of business professionals, college students, and resource providers.  Each of the 10 presentations are recorded and can be viewed on the One Million Cups website here:

One Million Cups is hosted every month at 424 N. Riverfront Drive on the 2nd floor and is open to the public.  Come check it out!
