类别:Talent Development

Occupations in Demand

Occupations in Demand (OID) lists current career opportunities in a region as determined by regularly updated local labor market data. The OID list for a region is the group of occupations that rank highest on a Current Demand Indicator, which measures short-term demand for jobs

Get your business FEATURED…

…in front of Upper Midwesterners, Southern Minnesotans, potential new residents and tourists by having a presence in Kato X.  Kato X is a virtual tour web platform and robust marketing campaign – where seeing is believing!

How Race Impacts the Workforce Shortage

The country is facing a labor shortage as the Baby Boomer population retires and the Mankato-North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area (Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties) is no different. To provide insight on strategies to address this shortage, Greater Mankato Growth conducted a national comparison of

Uncovering the Job Gap

Facing my last semester as a senior (second year) in college I was facing thee question, what next? Time for reality, a full-time “grown-up” job was hopefully coming my way very, very soon. But how was I going to find it? For an anthropology major

Yes, it IS worth your time!

Last Wednesday 43 participants graduated from Greater Mankato Growth’s Leadership Institute. Each year a graduation dinner is held on the last day to honor the participants’ hard work and dedication to the nine-month program. One of my favorite parts of this event is when class members volunteer to speak about their

Employers: Get State Money for Job Training

Are you a new or existing businesses in Greater Minnesota? Will you be adding at least three new jobs? Do you need to provide training to those new employees? If so, then you’ll want to consider applying for a state grant from the new Job

Growth in YP membership is more than just a number

This past week we celebrated our 200th Greater Mankato Young Professionals (YPs) member.  In fact, today we reached our 204th YP member and the numbers just keep climbing.  Why is this important to members of Greater Mankato Growth and to our community as a whole?  It’s important because
