Tag: Greater Mankato Growth

The Partner Posse

You know what sets our community apart, at least from an economic development standpoint? Partnership. When a new business comes to town to inquire about locating here, the right people make themselves available to share what it’s like doing business in Greater Mankato. Our cities,

4 Beginning Twitter Tips for Business

From 2014-2015 the number of Twitter users grew by 50 million, and it’s estimated that close to 1/5 of Internet users have Twitter accounts. The average Twitter user follows five businesses so if you’re not trying to reach your customers on Twitter you’re missing an

Public Affairs Summer Forums Announced

We’re excited to announce our lineup of summer events for Greater Mankato Growth’s Public Affairs Forum Series. The Forum Series is a set of 8-10 events per year that bring together compelling speakers and business leaders to discuss timely and relevant political and policy issues. The


我们大曼凯托增长 (GMG) 有时看起来相当神秘。 GMG 是做什么的?它不持有财产、制造任何东西或有利润流。到底是什么?

A NEW list – how does Greater Mankato measure up?

Every day we all have the opportunity to read a variety of articles, media, perspectives, etc.  Much of it we likely take in quickly and move on, some of it perhaps even impacting our thinking.  BUT, sometimes we read something that stops us…beckons us to

A little spotlight for some large hearts

Earlier today at a news conference the 2016 Pathfinder Award Recipients were announced. I have had the honor to assist in a small portion of the process and each year walk away amazed and energized from the kind, brave and deliberate souls that reside across
