Categoría: Advocacy

Greater Mankato Growth Hosts Neel Kashkari

MANKATO, MN. (February 2, 2024) – Greater Mankato Growth is pleased to host Neel Kashkari, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, on February 6, 2024. “We are pleased to welcome Mr. Kashkari to Mankato. He is an important federal policymaker who leads the

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Greater Mankato Growth Urges Congress to Support Small Businesses

Greater Mankato Growth has joined with more than 100 chambers of commerce and trade associations from across the country to urge Congress to take legislative action which will ensure small businesses have a voice in the federal rulemaking process. The intent of the Regulatory Flexibility

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2024 Greater Mankato Growth Policy Priorities

In preparation for the 2024 legislative session, Greater Mankato Growth Board of Directors has adopted a set of policy priorities to help guide our advocacy work. GMG continues to work tirelessly advocating for the specific needs of businesses and on issues that impact the Greater

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Greater Mankato Growth Applauds Passage of School Referendum

Greater Mankato Growth applauds the passage of the Mankato Area Schools bond referendum on November 7. Question 1 passed with a vote of 5,520 to 5,005 and, as a result, $105 million in projects will be completed throughout the community. These projects include safety and

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GMG Board of Directors Supports MAPS Bond Referendum

The Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. Board of Directors unanimously supports the 2023 Mankato Area Public Schools bond referendum. Greater Mankato Growth Advocacy Process This endorsement is the result of a deliberate and collaborative advocacy process. The Greater Mankato Growth Advocacy Committee, made up of 18

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When Will New Laws Impact Your Business?

Trying to keep track of all the new laws passed this past legislative session? The legislature passed a lot of new laws that impact employers; it’s hard to keep track of them all. We have put together a simple guide to be aware of some

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2023 Legislative Voting Record

As part of the advocacy efforts of Greater Mankato Growth, we partner with a number of organizations that advocate on issues that impact our members and the Greater Mankato marketplace. One of those organizations is the Minnesota Chamber Federation. Led by the Minnesota State Chamber

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2023 Legislative Session Recap: A Transformational Session

Going into the 2023 legislative session, expectations were high, and everyone was curious of how the new legislative trifecta would impact the session. That curiosity quickly evaporated as the DFL sprinted out of the gate fast and never let off the gas. This past session

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