Categoría: Business

Untapped Talent: Refugees, Asylees and Immigrants

In May 2020, we published the first of a two part series in Connect Business Magazine. Our initial article spoke to why businesses should incorporate refugees, asylees and immigrants into their workforce. In the upcoming issue of Connect Business Magazine, part two will be published,

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Recently Released PPP Loan Forgiveness Updates

Member guest blog post, submitted by EideBailly. This article originally appeared on The government has released several updates to its Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness guidance over the last few weeks. Here is a brief summary to help guide you through the PPP

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MN Chamber Virtual D.C. Fly-in

This year’s Minnesota Chamber of Commerce “fly-in” is a virtual opportunity for business leaders to raise the visibility of Minnesota in our nation’s capital while exploring key issues integral to growing Minnesota’s economy and receive a timely update on business issues surrounding the pandemic. Participating

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Payroll Deferral Guidance from the U.S. Chamber

The following blog was shared by the US Chamber of Commerce with its members regarding the recent changes to the payroll tax. On Friday evening, August 28, the IRS released its first notice regarding implementation of the President’s executive order on payroll tax deferral. The

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Zoom Meeting: Resources for Minority Business Owners

Starting or growing a young business can be challenging, but minority owners often face unique barriers to success. The Mankato Chapter of One Million Cups has put together a panel of people with experience working with and in diverse communities.

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Grants for Nicollet County Businesses

Nicollet County CARES funding is being used to provide assistance to small for-profit and not-for-profit businesses in Nicollet County adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants of up to $10,000 will be provided for eligible expenses to: Businesses without employees (self-employed persons, sole proprietors, independent

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