Categoría: Business

Free PPE Supplies for Nicollet County Businesses

Your business or non-profit may be eligible to receive supplies to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Funds to procure health and safety supplies are available as a part of the CARES stimulus package through Nicollet County. Distribution of supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE)

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Greater Mankato Economic Status through COVID-19

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Crisis, one of the most common questions we have received is “How is the economy of Greater Mankato doing?” Unfortunately, many of the primary indicators designed to show economic performance have a significant lag period, particularly when attempting to

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Grant Available for Blue Earth County Businesses

The Blue Earth County Board of Commissioners recently approved allocating $2 million in economic support to organizations affected by COVID-19. This funding is from federal legislation: the CARES Act. Small locally owned businesses adversely affected by COVID-19 may apply for a one time grant of

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Compra local: mascarillas y otros EPP

Recientemente, Greater Mankato Growth distribuyó 66,000 mascarillas en los condados de Blue Earth y Nicollet en respuesta al mandato estatal. La intención era ayudar a las empresas a dar la bienvenida a los clientes, mantener seguros a los empleados y ayudar a mantener bajos los costos para las empresas del área. Ver comunicado de prensa completo

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Governor Walz Announces Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate

Today Governor Walz announced a new EO-20-81-Final implementing a statewide requirement to wear facial coverings when inside indoor businesses and indoor public settings. This requirement will be effective beginning July 25. You can find general information and FAQs on the mask mandate here. In addition,

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2020 School Board Elections

The Mankato Area Pubic Schools are looking for great candidates to run for School Board in this November’s election. Is that you or someone you know?

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City of Mankato Publishes Mask Ordinance Details

Beginning Friday, July 10 the Mankato City Council’s emergency declaration ordinance requiring face coverings goes into effect. The City has published a website with details about the ordinance and compliance, including FAQs and optional signage businesses can utilize.

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UPDATED: Mankato Passes Mandatory Mask Ordinance

The City of Mankato Council last evening passed an emergency ordinance which will require the use of a mask or face covering in places of public accommodation. The ordinance will take effect Friday, July 10, 2020 and be in effect for 60 days (starting July

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