Categoría: Business

N95 Fit Test Reminder

Due to this pandemic, N95 masks have become a piece of required PPE in industries where they have not been needed before. We wanted to remind companies that N95 masks are considered respirators and as a result, fall within OSHA’s respirator guidelines. It is important

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Greater Mankato Growth Sends Letter to Governor Walz

Today Greater Mankato Growth sent a letter to Governor Walz respectfully requesting that he allow all businesses the opportunity to reopen in a way that is safe, sustainable, and equitable with their peers. You can read the letter here. Greater Mankato Growth is also looking

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Mankato Recovery Loan Program Open for Application

The City of Mankato has created a recovery loan program to assist small businesses in Mankato. Businesses with 50 or fewer employees may apply for a deferred loan of up to $25,000 through this program for property and business improvements to help reopen and operate

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Managing Anxiety in an Uncertain Economy

This is a guest blog post by Greater Mankato Growth member, Mankato Clinic. Our economy has been turned upside down and sideways. Even as businesses reopen, worry about surviving the economic impact is reasonable and common. Amid this uncertainty, here are some ways to manage

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Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Guide

Under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) created by the CARES Act, loans may be forgiven if borrowers use the proceeds to maintain their payrolls and pay other specified expenses. The Treasury Department and Small Business Administration recently released the application form and instructions for loan

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What’s My Occupancy Limit?

As businesses reopen, some are restricted to certain limitations based on a percentage of total occupancy. Below is information to help you determine the occupancy capacity for your business.

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Looking for PPE? Check out the MN Supplier Match

If your company is looking for PPE or other COVID-19 related resources as you reopen, it may be worthwhile to check out the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s MN Supplier Match to help you find the PPE you need. The Supplier Match database has over 1000

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