Categoría: Business

Unemployed due to COVID19? Critical Industries need your Help.

The guest blog below is from Jessica Miller, a Workforce Strategy Consultant with DEED for the South Central/Southwest region. Are you a leisure and hospitality industry service provider whose job has been recently impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Our health care industry needs you!

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Webinar: SBDC and GMG Review Business Resources

On Wednesday morning, March 25th, the Small Business Development Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato and Greater Mankato Growth reviewed the primary available resources for businesses to date. The recorded video highlights the: SBA Disaster Loan, the Shared Worker program, and the MN DEED Small

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Governor’s Stay at Home Order

This afternoon Governor Walz announced plans for a temporary Stay at Home Executive Order: The Minnesota Model to take effect on Friday, March 27 at 11:59 p.m. to Friday, April 10 as a next step and action to address the rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus to protect

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US Department of Labor Guidance on Paid Leave

The US Department of Labor has issued preliminary guidance for employers and employees implementing the new paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. As a reminder, all employers with 500 or less employees must implement these new federally reimbursed paid leave programs

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Webinar: Small Business Economic Recovery and Financing Resources

From our friends at the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce: Small businesses are seeking critical resources – including financial resources – to help them stay “open for business” throughout the COVID-19 crisis. The Minnesota Chamber is here to help. We recorded a webinar moderated by Chamber president

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IRS Provides Guidance for new Paid Leave Programs

Included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed by Congress was the establishment of two new paid leave programs impacting employers under 500. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued preliminary guidance for employers to implement these new programs. You can view this

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State Emergency Business Loan Fund Announced

Today Governor Tim Walz issued an executive order (20-15) authorizing The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to create an emergency loan program to help Minnesota small business owners who need immediate assistance to meet their families’ basic needs during COVID-19 closures. This

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Essential Services Survey

As discussion continues on whether Minnesota will move to a “shelter in place” directive, we welcome your thoughts on the process for determining “essential services” to ensure we are advocating for a thoughtful process to include a comprehensive exemption for “essential services” to protect critical

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