Categoría: Business

MN Leading Upper Midwest Population Growth

The largest economic growth hurdle for the next ten years will be availability of workforce. Historically, Minnesota has had one of the highest labor force participation rates in the country. To capitalize on this, the size of the population needs to continue to grow.

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Marijuana Legalization Forum

The discussion around marijuana legalization in Minnesota is picking up at the Legislature. In fact, the Legislature has launched a ‘“Be Heard on Cannabis’ Community Conversation” tour that will be coming to Saint Peter the evening of November 20. It will be critical that the

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Indigenous People’s Day: October 14, 2019

The following is a guest blog post authored by Diane Dobitz and Briana Baker who are members of the Mankato Indigenous Peoples Day Committee. Their post is a continuation of Scot Zellmer’s post “On Being A Successful Business in an Ever Changing World” and speaks

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Informe del segundo trimestre de GMG

Todo nuestro equipo en Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. trabaja todos los días para aportar valor a nuestros miembros e impulsar una mayor vitalidad en la región de Greater Mankato. Para asegurarnos de que estamos actualizando de manera efectiva a nuestros socios y a la comunidad sobre nuestro trabajo, renovamos nuestro informe anual.

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SBDC Holding Minnesota Wage Theft Law Seminar

In May 2019, the Legislature passed a new Minnesota Wage Theft Law to create additional protections for workers and add criminal penalties for employers. Wage theft occurs when an employer avoids paying or fails to pay wages earned by its employees. GMG published a blog highlighting these new requirements here. For

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New Overtime Regulations Announced

The following is a guest blog courtesy of Blethen|Berens. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced a final rule making more American workers eligible for overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The current salary thresholds were set in 2004. Previously, in

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Your Personal MBA Event

Our partners at the Southern Minnesota Area Human Resource Association (SMAHRA) are hosting an event titled Your Personal MBA: Understanding Business Functions & Business Acumen Part 1 and are opening the event to GMG members to attend. You can view the event flyer below for additional details.

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Four Reasons to Switch to a Proactive Recruiting Process

The following article was submitted by Lori Creighton from Greater Mankato Growth member business, Homestead Media. She writes about the benefits of using a proactive recruiting process instead of a reactive one.Are you part of a Greater Mankato member business and have an interest in

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