Categoría: Business

Weigh In On Mankato Transit

The City of Mankato is in the process of gathering input for their transit development plan which will set the direction for the system for the next four to five years. The city would like to have business input during this process and is hosting

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Beneficio para miembros de GMG: Certificación de certificado de origen

¿Hace negocios en el extranjero que requieren un sello de Certificado de Origen? Como empresa miembro de Greater Mankato Growth, ese servicio está incluido en su membresía. Un Certificado de Origen es un importante documento de comercio internacional que certifica que los bienes en un envío de exportación en particular son totalmente

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Highway 14 Makes Progress at Legislature

After several years of gridlock, the Legislature and Governor came to an agreement this year on a transportation bill that injects much needed funding into our state’s transportation network. The bottom line for Highway 14: there is funding to keep working on the four-lane expansion

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Tax Relief Signed Into Law

Governor Dayton took action Tuesday on all the major bills sent to him – signing all the budget bills and tax bills to avoid a government shutdown. The Governor did veto a bill that would have preempted local governments from setting their own labor standards.

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REAL ID Passes: What You Need to Know

Governor Mark Dayton last week signed a bill that will finally bring Minnesota into compliance with the federal law known as REAL ID and allow the Minnesota Department of Public Safety to begin the process of making these new IDs available. The new law requires

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Desarrollo de negocios
Top 10 Reasons to Check Out Kato X!

Greater Mankato Growth Inc. recently announced a new web platform, Kato X, for talent recruitment and tourism. The image above shows the draft prototype of the platform. The virtual reality software highlights area amenities and shows potential residents or visitors unique attractions our region has to

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Legislative Recap Forum

Join Greater Mankato Growth and your fellow colleagues for our June Public Affairs Forum breakfast as we recap the 2017 legislative session. Friday, June 2 7:30 – 9:00 am Greater Mankato Growth, Sakatah Trail Room Register here Hit ‘read more’ for additional information

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Protect Against ADA Lawsuits: Self-Audit Your Business

  As you may be aware, hundreds of abusive lawsuits have been filed in the past two years both in federal and state court targeting Minnesota small businesses over alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the MN Human Rights Act. In

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First Quarter Greater Mankato Economic Barometer

Four times a year Greater Mankato Growth distributes a survey to area businesses regarding multiple metrics in order to gather how the economy performed during previous quarter and what businesses project for the upcoming quarter.  Additionally, a unique inquiry is posed in each quarter to

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