Categoría: Business

Blog invitado para miembros
Enfoques para el manejo de incidentes cibernéticos

Blog escrito por Corporate Technologies LLC, un miembro de Greater Mankato Growth Equilibrar un enfoque proactivo y reactivo para los incidentes cibernéticos Un incidente cibernético es un tipo de evento de seguridad que puede dañar una empresa como la suya. Desde violaciones de datos y fallas del sistema hasta malware

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Blog invitado para miembros
La forma sorprendente en que puede retener el talento durante la gran renuncia: automatización de procesos comerciales

Blog escrito por Eide Bailly, una inversionista bronce de Greater Mankato Growth Desde horarios flexibles hasta paquetes de compensación y beneficios, la Gran Renuncia ha obligado a las organizaciones a repensar la forma en que fomentan la satisfacción de los empleados y maximizan el personal. Una de las respuestas más sencillas para la retención de talento es asegurarse de que

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2022 Legislative Session Recap: What could have been

The 2022 legislative session could be characterized in one word: disappointing. There was so much opportunity to do good work and help Minnesotans. Very little of that opportunity was seized. This may not be entirely surprising, given Minnesota is one of only two states with

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Teen Connect & Mankato Job Fair – Two Opportunities in May

There are two upcoming opportunities for employers to reach potential candidates in May. On Wednesday, May 11, Mankato Area Public Schools is hosting their first-ever job fair, volunteer fair, and enrichment fair aimed at high school students. On Saturday, May 14, Greater Mankato Growth is

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Legislative Update: Mid-Session – April 2022

We are already into the second half of the 2022 legislative session. Unfortunately there has not been a lot accomplished yet, despite the legislature setting a record for the number of bills introduced with more than 4,700 in the Senate and 4,300 in the House.

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February 2022 Employment Figures – Employment & Jobs Rise

Preliminary figures for February were released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Between January & February, Greater Mankato saw employment growth of 900 to a post-pandemic high of 60,194. Jobs (total nonfarm payroll) increased by 700 to 56,000. In short, the difference between jobs

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February 2022 Employment Figures – Employment & Jobs Rise

Preliminary figures for February were released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Between January & February, Greater Mankato saw employment growth of 900 to a post-pandemic high of 60,194. Jobs (total nonfarm payroll) increased by 700 to 56,000. In short, the difference between jobs

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