Gaining Presence on State Boards

One of Greater Mankato Growth’s goals for our public affairs work is to increase our region’s visibility and impact by getting community members appointed to serve on key state boards and commissions. These citizen-led bodies shape state policy on a number of issues of importance to our marketplace and the entire state. We’ve seen some success in meeting this goal over the past year.

Last month, Todd Riemann, CEO & COO of MTU Onsite Energy in Mankato was appointed to Governor Dayton’s Workforce Development Board. This important board is made up of leaders from business, education, labor, community organizations, and state and local governments who provide leadership on initiatives that seek practical solutions to strengthening the skills of Minnesota’s greatest asset — its workforce. Todd’s manufacturing industry expertise coupled with the passion and initiative he has demonstrated for developing our future workforce will make him an articulate voice in the service of our state.

Last year, Anna Thill, President of Visit Mankato was appointed to a seat on the Explore Minnesota Tourism Council. This body is focused on areas critical to the development and growth of Minnesota tourism. They also work to address development of tourism programs and weigh-in on public policy issues at both the state and federal level. This position certainly bolsters Greater Mankato’s efforts to become a key player in the tourism economy.

I also want to recognize our local legislators, Sen. Kathy Sheran, Rep. Clark Johnson and Rep. Jack Considine for the steadfast support and advocacy they offered on behalf of these candidates to help secure their appointments. Their support has been critical to our efforts.

I encourage you to consider getting involved by serving as a voice for your business, industry and marketplace by applying to serve on a state board, council, commission, task force or agency. Serving at a state level can give you the chance to shape the future in areas and fields where you have passion and experience. Greater Mankato Growth is prepared to help you submit and support your application.

The Minnesota Secretary of State acts as a clearinghouse for public openings on state agencies. The Secretary of State announces vacancies to the public, refers applications to those who make the appointments, and maintains records of the memberships on the various state boards and councils. The Secretary of State publishes a monthly announcement of vacancies. Besides the vacancies, it lists the qualifications for membership, the functions and duties of the agencies, and the application deadlines. Click here to learn more about serving on a state board or commission.

Let’s work together to ensure Greater Mankato businesses continue to be represented in state government.
