Mankato weyn Blog

Local Resources to Help with Flood Damage

There are dozens of businesses right here in the greater Mankato region that can help get things back to normal for your home or workplace. From clean up and mechanical to construction, and more, choose a reputable business, a member of Greater Mankato Growth, our

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Five Reasons Agribusinesses Succeed in Greater Mankato

These five reasons agribusinesses succeed in Greater Mankato make this South Central Minnesota community a regional powerhouse in the agriculture industry. Our region continues to make a name for itself in the global landscape through technological innovation, infrastructure investment, local and regional connectivity, a well-trained

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State Seeks Input on Rulemaking for PFML

As you know the state passed Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) into law in 2023. That program will not go into effect until 2026. As part of that law, the legislature granted the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) rulemaking authority to help

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