Qaybta: Business Development

Managing Anxiety in an Uncertain Economy

This is a guest blog post by Greater Mankato Growth member, Mankato Clinic. Our economy has been turned upside down and sideways. Even as businesses reopen, worry about surviving the economic impact is reasonable and common. Amid this uncertainty, here are some ways to manage

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Dhimista Xayeysiiska Gaarka ah ee Xubinta

Marka ay bulshadeenu u muuqato inay dib ugu soo laabanayso ganacsiga, waxay noqon doontaa mid muhiim u ah ganacsiyada inay xayaysiiyaan oo ay la wadaagaan dadweynaha xaaladooda iyo waxa ay samaynayaan si loo hubiyo in macaamiishooda ay nabad qabaan. Waxaan sidoo kale ognahay taas inta badan marka aad u baahan tahay inaad xayeysiiso

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PPE for Business Preparedness Plans

PPE Procurement Source list Updated:  5.20.20; previous update:  5.14.2020 Greater Mankato Growth is working to support getting back to business. Businesses that have previously not had direct customer interaction during the Stay At Home order are laying out their COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Example templates are

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COVID-19 Business Loan/Grant Resources

With COVID-19 hitting businesses tremendously hard, all levels of government and other organizations have made a number of financial resources for businesses available. Below is a comprehensive list of those resources with links to where you can learn more.

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