Qaybta: Business Development

Coming Soon: Countywide Public Transportation

Countywide public transportation is coming to rural Blue Earth, Nicollet and Le Sueur counties.  Please help shape the new transit system to best fit our community’s needs by taking a short online survey at This built out system will go a long way towards

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Just Released – Greater Mankato Economic Metrics

On Sept. 20, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the 2015 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures for Metropolitan Areas across the country. Over the last year, the Mankato-North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area (Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties) ranks 3rd in the upper Midwest (Minnesota,

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
How to Redevelop a Property in Mankato

Remember that abandoned building, old gas station, junk yard or other potentially contaminated property?  Do you look at these sites and wonder where funding could come from to make this a vital contribution to your community? Is there speculation that the sites may have contamination and

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Mankato’s Housing Study

The City of Mankato has finalized an update to the community’s housing study.  A study was completed in 2013, however the activity in residential development and other market factors have made an update necessary.

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Upcoming Public Affairs Forums

Join Greater Mankato Growth for our upcoming July and August Public Affairs Forums:  Saving Money by Saving Energy on July 28  Top of the Class: Improving Education in Minnesota on August 19 These events bring together compelling speakers and business leaders to discuss timely and relevant

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Uncovering the Job Gap

Facing my last semester as a senior (second year) in college I was facing thee question, what next? Time for reality, a full-time “grown-up” job was hopefully coming my way very, very soon. But how was I going to find it? For an anthropology major

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Wealth Generation in Greater Mankato

From 2010-2014, the Mankato-North Mankato MSA has the highest growth rate of Per Capita Personal Income among all Minnesota-based MSAs. This growth rate can represent a generation of wealth among the businesses and households within the marketplace.

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