Qaybta: Business

Soo iibso Maxali ah: Maaskarada wajiga iyo PPE kale

Dhawaan Kobaca Mankato ee Weyn ayaa 66,000 waji-xidho ka qaybiyay Degmooyinka Blue Earth iyo Nicollet iyadoo laga jawaabayo amarka gobolka oo dhan. Ujeedadu waxay ahayd in laga caawiyo ganacsiyada soo dhawaynta macaamiisha, ilaalinta shaqaalaha, iyo ka caawinta hoos u dhigista kharashaadka ganacsiyada aagga. Eeg warka oo dhamaystiran

Akhri wax dheeraad ah
Governor Walz Announces Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate

Today Governor Walz announced a new EO-20-81-Final implementing a statewide requirement to wear facial coverings when inside indoor businesses and indoor public settings. This requirement will be effective beginning July 25. You can find general information and FAQs on the mask mandate here. In addition,

Akhri wax dheeraad ah
10 Disciplines for Leaders in Good & Bad Times

This is a guest blog post by Joe Paulsen from Greater Mankato Growth member business, Pinnacle Business Traction. At the virtual Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) conference in May, my biggest take away came from the creator of EOS, Gino Wickman. He gave a keynote address

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