Qaybta: Business

IRS Provides Guidance for new Paid Leave Programs

Included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act passed by Congress was the establishment of two new paid leave programs impacting employers under 500. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued preliminary guidance for employers to implement these new programs. You can view this

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State Emergency Business Loan Fund Announced

Today Governor Tim Walz issued an executive order (20-15) authorizing The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to create an emergency loan program to help Minnesota small business owners who need immediate assistance to meet their families’ basic needs during COVID-19 closures. This

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Essential Services Survey

As discussion continues on whether Minnesota will move to a “shelter in place” directive, we welcome your thoughts on the process for determining “essential services” to ensure we are advocating for a thoughtful process to include a comprehensive exemption for “essential services” to protect critical

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Helping Minnesota Businesses during COVID-19

The following is the text of a news release from the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development. We care deeply about your business and are actively working with state and federal partners on measures to assist businesses through this unprecedented time. DEED is regularly

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